We currently supervise over 800 financial market participants – banks, credit unions, insurance undertakings, payment institutions, management companies, consumer credit providers, issuers, etc. In supervising the financial market, we use risk-based supervision, meaning that we allocate our resources towards systemically most significant financial market participants or financial services and products posing the highest risk for consumers. We supervise the financial market by following the financial market supervision policy. Inspection plans. |
Financial market participants search
Financial sectors
Credit unions
Consumer credit providers
Payment institutions
Electronic money institutions
Insurers and insurance intermediaries
Investment funds and undertakings
Pension funds
Financial brokerage firms
Management companies
Financial adviser companies
Currency exchange operators
Securities market infrastructure
Markets in crypto-assets
Lietuvos bankas: barriers to using the basic payment account service are unacceptable2025 02 10
Lietuvos bankas invites financial market participants to look for ways to reduce administrative burdens and boost Lithuania’s competitiveness2025 01 30
Banking sector in the third quarter: loans and deposits grew by over a billion euro each, loan quality improved2025 01 22
Lietuvos bankas: updated supervisory policy focuses on consumers and financial market participants2025 01 07
Lietuvos bankas and FCIS step up cooperation on supervision of crypto-asset services2024 11 25
Lietuvos bankas revoked UAB Foxpay licence due to serious and systematic breaches2024 11 25
Encouraged by Lietuvos bankas, banks improved customer experience in the implementation of AML measures2024 11 06
Banks’ resilience tested in cybersecurity exercise2024 10 31
Resolutions of the Board of Lietuvos bankas2024 10 23
Creating a better user experience: share your views on the data published by Lietuvos bankas and your related needs!2024 10 14
Lietuvos bankas: income of EMI/PI sector, dominated by 10 largest companies, grew by over a fifth2024 10 08
Payment institution licence of Kevin EU, UAB revoked2024 09 26
Nordic Baltic Crisis Simulation Exercise, 20242024 09 20
Banking sector in the first quarter: increase of €646 million in loans and a solidarity contribution of €83 million to strengthen defence2024 08 08
Temporary representative appointed to supervise the activities of Kevin EU, UAB2024 07 26
Lietuvos bankas restricts Foxpay activities and appoints a temporary representative to supervise the activities2024 07 15