Statistical reporting requirements:
- MFI Balance Sheet Full Statistical Reporting Form PFĮ-01 (where bank assets are equal to or exceed €100 million)
- MFI Balance Sheet Reduced Statistical Reporting Form PFĮ-03 (where bank assets are below €100 million)
- MFI Interest Rates Statistical Reporting Form PFĮ-02
- Interbank Lending and Borrowing Statistical Reporting Form F0601
- Foreign Exchange Market Statistical Reporting Form F0603
- Payments and Fraudulent Payments Statistical Reporting Forms P0607 and S0607 (valid for data from Q1 2022 and H1 2022) (in Lithuanian)
- Payments Statistical Reporting Form 0607 (valid for data until Q4 2021 inclusive)
- Fraudulent payments statistical reporting form (valid for data until H2 2021 inclusive)
- Submission of data on borrowers and loans granted to them to the Bank of Lithuania Loan Risk Database
- Quarterly Reporting Form B-09-01: Compilation of the Balance of Payments
- Monthly Reporting Form B-09-02: Compilation of the Balance of Payments
- Monthly Reporting Form B-09-03: Incoming payments from abroad and outgoing payments abroad
- Statistical reporting on securities holdings of MFIs and custodians and securities held by custodians on behalf of their clients
- Reporting form on banking groups data G-01
Last update: 06-05-2022