Bank of Lithuania

To ensure transparency and openness, we publish the average salary of Lietuvos bankas’ employees for the last two quarters.


Average gross salary, EUR


Average gross salary, EUR


Member of the Board1 17373 16409
Head of a structural unit 6236 6204
Principal Specialist 4383 4390
Senior Specialist 2847 2858
Specialist 1573 1573

1The salary of the Chair, Deputy Chair and Members of the Board of Lietuvos bankas is established by the Republic of Lithuania Law on the Bank of Lithuania:

  • Article 10(7): “The amount of remuneration of the Deputy Chairs and the Members of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania, not exceeding 90 per cent of the amount of the remuneration of the Chair of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania, shall be established by the Board of the Bank of Lithuania.”
  • Article 17(4): “The remuneration of the Chair of the Board of the Bank shall be equal to five average monthly earnings of employees of monetary intermediation institutions published by Statistics Lithuania.”
Last update: 21-10-2024