Bank of Lithuania

The Centre for Financial Market Development aims to contribute to the development of Lithuania’s financial market in order to have more financial undertakings with high value added establishing and developing in Lithuania. The Centre seeks to increase the accessibility of services and enhance competition. It focuses on attracting newcomers to various segments, such as credit, capital, insurance and payment markets. This way the Centre contributes to a strategic objective of the Bank of Lithuania to increase competition in the Lithuanian financial sector and promote sustainable and innovative market development.

Head of the Centre for Financial Market Development: Lukas Jakubonis

Lukas Jakubonis is the Chief Business Development Officer, responsible for attracting new companies to the credit, capital, payments and insurance markets and therefore increasing competition. He is the head of the Centre for Financial Market Development, which is responsible for attracting, processing and helping local FinTech community to grow their businesses. Top industry names, government institutions and relationship with local financial community is the Centre's everyday work. Lukas constantly discusses the future trends of the FinTech and banking sector, possible future models, regulation and other aspects of the business from the regulatory side in various events across the world. 

Goal: increase competition within Lithuania’s financial sector and promote sustainable and innovative market development.


  • Promote development in credit, capital, collective investment undertaking, insurance and payment markets
  • Enhance competition in the credit institution sector
  • Attract credit and insurance market participants with experience and financial resources
  • Transform credit unions
  • Implement measures foreseen in the Capital Market Development Guidelines
  • Implement the proposed measures which promote greater insurance coverage and resilience of natural persons to different risk scenarios
  • Promote FinTech in developing the open data platform of the Bank of Lithuania
  • Ensure the implementation of the Newcomer Programme
  • Communicate with the local FinTech ecosystem
Last update: 19-12-2024