Bank of Lithuania

The statistics compiled and published by the Bank of Lithuania mainly aim to present to the public comprehensive statistics that comply with international standards and are comparable to the statistics of other EU Member States, serving as a basis for implementing the monetary policy, macroprudential policy and supervisory tasks set for the Eurosystem and the European System of Central Banks (ESCB). We are one of the most important institutions in the country, involved in the production of official statistics used by state institutions, financial market participants, the media, international bodies and the general public. We work under the Bank of Lithuania Statistics Work Programme (274.3 KB download icon) approved annually.

We develop, collect, compile and publish statistical information on:

  • MFI balance sheet and monetary statistics;
  • interest rates on MFI loans and deposits;
  • investment fund balance sheet;
  • financial markets;
  • institutional sector financial accounts;
  • official reserve assets;
  • balance of payments;
  • international investment position;
  • national external debt;
  • payment instruments.

The legal basis for the development, collection, compilation and publishing of our statistics is the Law on the Bank of Lithuania and the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank.

In collecting and compiling statistics, we aim to minimise the statistical reporting burden for financial market participants and other respondents by using the data and estimates available as well as expanding the micro-databases. To the same end, we work closely with other national and foreign institutions compiling statistics. This is formalised in agreements with Statistics Lithuania, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania and other institutions.

As a member of the ESCB, we carry out statistical processes in compliance with the guiding principles laid down in the Public commitment on European Statistics by the ESCB and by applying the Policy regarding the reuse of ESCB statistics. The short information about the ECBS statistics is presented in the video Reliable source of European statistics.

We follow the professional values that are prescribed in the ISI's Declaration on Professional Ethics.

We also collect and publish supervisory statistics on credit, payment and electronic money institutions, insurance undertakings and securities market participants as well as financial services and markets (see Supervision).

Last update: 28-12-2023