The list is published on the third business day after the end of the reporting period, at 10:00.
Legal entity code | LEI code | Name | Sector ESA2010 | Head domicile |
110065773 | 213800MPBNCB6UBPPX43 | Elektrėnų kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
110067062 | 2138009RDQ69OGU2FM63 | Kredito unija „Sūduvos parama” | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
110067443 | 213800XJB1KZEUTRPT11 | Pakruojo kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
110082922 | 213800GAKJSTSL1BSN29 | Jonavos kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
110083262 | 213800I1CALWZMPA5V05 | Jurbarko kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
110083981 | 213800Z967CV75ZJ5806 | Ukmergės ūkininkų kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
110085313 | 213800BOWMSL2MJB7O96 | Palangos kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
110085466 | Kauno regiono kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | ||
110086034 | 2138009QCHFQV9RC4R40 | LIETUVOS CENTRINĖ KREDITO UNIJA | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
110086415 | 2138004F8W2PSJ7E7I27 | Kretingos kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
110086568 | 2549002BC184GUE0HX77 | Raseinių kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
110086753 | Pagėgių kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | ||
110087289 | 2138005QVBGBYQYWUZ17 | Grinkiškio kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
110088042 | 254900K5R2LH4YUEB494 | Ignalinos kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
110088423 | 213800ZIG2Q1IA6JEM88 | Utenos kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
110088957 | 2138007B2H458QJU8221 | Mažeikių kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
110089678 | 254900KGEKIDF2ZQZF15 | Joniškio kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
110090118 | Druskininkų kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | ||
112021238 | 549300SBPFE9JX7N8J82 | AB SEB bankas | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
112025254 | 549300TK038P6EV4YU51 | Akcinė bendrovė Šiaulių bankas | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
112027077 | 529900F2SC8ANS0A2T76 | Uždaroji akcinė bendrovė Urbo bankas | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
112029651 | 549300GH3DFCXVNBHE59 | „Swedbank”, AB | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
112040014 | Vilkaviškio kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | ||
112040167 | 213800JNXNIXUQK5JP64 | Centro kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
112040352 | 213800TD9QYRFKY4QD40 | Panevėžio kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
112040548 | 254900OKWGR3GDU8AW30 | Kredito unija „Tikroji viltis” | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
112040733 | 2138005YUU5EFETQ1257 | Aukštaitijos kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
112040886 | 9845004F84807Z50D082 | Kredito unija „Taupa” | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
112041073 | Kredito unija „Germanto lobis” | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | ||
112041116 | Šilutės kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | ||
112041269 | Plungės kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | ||
112043081 | 254900YVGU26JCGZZC63 | AB „Mano bankas” | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
112043124 | 213800Q3LL8GBWJG4S51 | Rato kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
112043462 | 213800ZJ2TDD78EKOS41 | Kredito unija „Ebitum” | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
112043658 | Kooperatinė bendrovė ARKU kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | ||
112043843 | 254900B2HX7IOQ0PZ153 | Akademinė kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
112043996 | 254900L3G4X4AS89PM52 | VILNIAUS KREDITO UNIJA | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
112044030 | 254900907EF6ASV4D876 | Kredito unija „Kupiškėnų taupa” | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
112044226 | 213800KOVKH5LNKIWT15 | Kooperatinė bendrovė „Pilies” kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
112044379 | 25490082V879FSTYT315 | Kredito unija Zanavykų bankelis | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
112046049 | 21380015JVNY94V3UV12 | Vytauto Didžiojo kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
112046191 | 254900BQV426Q50ZXQ82 | Kelmės kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
112046234 | 213800KS6OMG4DYGS838 | Kredito unija „Prienų taupa” | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
112046387 | 213800LIYB61I1OQSX68 | Pasvalio kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
112046572 | 254900QYAJLN5JIZNE80 | Biržų kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
112046615 | 213800XGKCD7NZLGWQ39 | Kauno kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
112046768 | 213800QLUN65J5BPV105 | Tauragės kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
112046953 | 254900MK79I5QZK3BV03 | Šilalės kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
112047140 | 2138003V4QQ1ZCBYFA03 | Anykščių kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
112047293 | „Achemos” kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | ||
188607684 | 5299002QI7G5XEIYAO60 | Lietuvos bankas | S.121 Central Bank | |
212046420 | Kredito unija „DELTA” | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | ||
300027153 | Trakų kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | ||
300031511 | Alytaus kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | ||
300044067 | Kredito unija „Gargždų taupa” | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | ||
300060819 | 5299009E21OGG8K3Y756 | „Paysera LT“, UAB | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
300087289 | 213800A9N2QN3PX2FQ91 | Kredito unija „Mėmelio taupomoji kasa” | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
300123739 | 213800OFJ8C1A3WLZM04 | Kredito unija „Fortūna” | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
300515252 | 549300GGZN1RFPRZS880 | UAB GF bankas | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
300583851 | 213800CFUYFSZTQZVC95 | Kėdainių krašto kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
301048563 | BIGBANK AS filialas | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | Estonia | |
301169732 | 549300RX8EDHA2HIW345 | UAB „Perlas Finance“ | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
301788649 | 254900KDD0T7YHBAZC52 | Pareigūnų kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
302448934 | 254900DJ2HE6HIZZU625 | Kredito unija „Litas“ | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
302535257 | OP Corporate Bank plc Lietuvos filialas | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | Finland | |
302574840 | Klaipėdos kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | ||
302671848 | 485100IPU0DSJP7VIS58 | Kredito unija „Magnus” | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
302791356 | 213800RMACLIXKKOY866 | LTL Kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
302826202 | 213800MW2LQ4NVS8AP88 | Šeimos kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
302894776 | 21380014S3KYPM6DSP95 | Kredito unija „Saulėgrąža” | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
304493038 | 9845004E0E10867HE985 | AB „Fjord Bank” | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
304559043 | 254900TRQWSAA6UDK962 | European Merchant Bank UAB | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
304580906 | 485100NUOK3CEDCUTW40 | Revolut Bank UAB | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
304604766 | Payswix, UAB | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | ||
304686884 | UAB „Walletto“ | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | ||
304696889 | UAB „ConnectPay“ | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | ||
304739874 | 254900WRGB5SQ6J5AA39 | Jungtinė centrinė kredito unija | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
304740691 | Wallter, UAB | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | ||
304772963 | Kredito unija „Neris“ | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | ||
304785124 | 894500MA7AHNVRNZIN11 | UAB „Maneuver LT“ | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
304862948 | 984500C7DA9DE92D9B69 | PayRay Bank, UAB | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
304870069 | Luminor Bank AS Lietuvos skyrius | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | Estonia | |
304940934 | Akciju sabiedriba „Citadele banka” Lietuvos filialas | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | Latvia | |
305156796 | 98450054B3A4E77E8918 | Finora Bank UAB | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
305223469 | 9845005757A65BA03A74 | UAB SME Bank | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
305334925 | 9845006CN8E2E13FJD87 | Saldo Bank UAB | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | |
305340173 | AS Inbank filialas | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | Estonia | |
306989111 | TF Bank Lietuvos filialas | S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank | Sweden |