Bank of Lithuania

When carrying out financial market supervision, the Bank of Lithuania may apply the sanctions laid down in the laws regulating the financial market, provided that there is at least one of the grounds for applying sanctions laid down by law. Articles 433, 434, 435 and 436 of the Republic of Lithuania Law on the Bank of Lithuania lay down the procedure for the application of sanctions and the conclusion of administrative agreements during the procedure for the application of sanctions, the procedure for informing of and appealing against decisions taken on the application of sanctions, as well as the right of the Bank of Lithuania not to apply sanctions.

When imposing financial penalties, their calculation is carried out in accordance with the Description of Fine Calculation approved by Resolution No 03-126 of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania of 10 July 2018 on the approval of the description of fine calculation.

An infringement of a legal act is considered minor in accordance with the Description of the Procedure for Declaring an Infringement of a Legal Act Minor approved by Resolution No 03-175 of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania of 26 November 2020 on the approval of the description of the procedure for declaring an infringement of a legal act minor.

Appealing against decisions of the Bank of Lithuania in the field of financial market supervision

Persons whose rights or interests protected by law have been violated have the right to appeal to the Regional Administrative Court (Žygimantų g. 2, 01102 Vilnius) within one month in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Republic of Lithuania Law on Administrative Proceedings. Appealing to court does not suspend the validity of the contested decision and the execution of the decision, except for the decision imposing penalties laid down by law, or of action.

Enforcement measure
Enactment date / Date of signature of the administrative arrangement
Date of signature of the administrative arrangement
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Financial market participant or person subject to an enforcement measure sorting Type Enactment date / Date of signature of the administrative arrangement sorting Violations of legal acts Enforcement measure Complaints regarding the applied enforcement measure / Administrative arrangement signed sorting
UAB Nordstreet, 304565690 Crowdfunding service provider 2024-02-13 Lietuvos Respublikos sutelktinio finansavimo įstatymo 9 straipsnio 2 punktas, 14 straipsnio 1 dalies 1, 3 ir 4 punktai, Lietuvos banko valdybos 2016 m. lapkričio 29 d. nutarimu Nr. 03-169 „Dėl Sutelktinio finansavimo platformų operatorių finansavimo sandorių priimtinumo finansuotojams ir projektų savininkų patikimumo vertinimo taisyklių patvirtinimo“ patvirtintų Sutelktinio finansavimo platformų operatorių finansavimo sandorių priimtinumo finansuotojams ir projektų savininkų patikimumo vertinimo taisyklių 6, 8 ir 10 punktai.
Fine: 16000 €
Public disclosure of the violation of the legal act
UAB „Finansų bitė verslui“, 304175555 Crowdfunding service provider 2022-06-07 Lietuvos Respublikos pinigų plovimo ir teroristų finansavimo prevencijos įstatymo 29 str. 1 d. 4 p., Finansų rinkos dalyviams skirtų nurodymų, kuriais siekiama užkirsti kelią pinigų plovimui ir (arba) teroristų finansavimui, patvirtintų Lietuvos banko valdybos 2015 m. vasario 12 d. nutarimu Nr. 03-17 „Dėl Finansų rinkos dalyviams skirtų nurodymų, kuriais siekiama užkirsti kelią pinigų plovimui ir (arba) teroristų finansavimui, patvirtinimo“, 70.1 ir 70.2 p.
UAB „Finansų bitė verslui“, 304175555 Crowdfunding service provider 2019-09-09 Kolektyvinio investavimo subjektų įstatymo 3 straipsnio 1 dalis, Sutelktinio finansavimo įstatymo 9 straipsnio 1 ir 2 punktai, 13 straipsnio 2 dalis
Public disclosure of the violation of the legal acts
UAB „Bendras finansavimas“, 303259527 Real-estate related credit provider, Consumer credit provider, Peer-to-peer lending platform operator, operating in accordance with the Republic of Lithuania Law on Credit Related to Real Estate, Peer-to-peer lending platform operator, Crowdfunding service provider 2017-03-06 Vartojimo kredito įstatymo 11 straipsnio 2 dalies 3, 6, 7, 8 ir 14(1)punktai, 17 straipsnio 1 dalis, 21 straipsnio 2 dalies 1 ir 2 punktai, 25(3) straipsnio 3 ir 6 dalys