The Lithuanian Economic Review is published biannually. We analyse the developments of key economic and financial indicators (e.g. GDP, labour market, price, public finances and credit) in Lithuania as well as present our economic projections. The boxes and annexes provide a more detailed analysis of various economic topics of relevance to Lithuania.
Lithuanian Economic Review (September 2024)
- Entire publication (PDF) (HTML)
- Lithuania's Economic Development and Outlook (HTML)
- International Environment (HTML)
- Monetary Policy of the Eurosystem (HTML)
- Real Sector (HTML)
- Labour Market (HTML)
- External Sector (HTML)
- Prices (HTML)
- Financing of the Economy (HTML)
- General Government Finance (HTML)
Lithuanian Economic Reviews – Annexes
- Wage and employment impact of minimum monthly wage. March 2022 (HTML)
- Sustainability of general government debt. September 2020 (download (129.8 KB download icon))
- An analysis of investments and their drivers in Lithuania. September 2020 (download (126.8 KB download icon))
- Economic convergence and its impact on prices. June 2018 (download (175.7 KB download icon))
- Effective tax rates on labour and capital. June 2018 (download (360.3 KB download icon))
- Value added tax gap in Lithuania and methods of its reduction. June 2018 (download (67.4 KB download icon))
- Progressiveness of labour income taxation in OECD countries. June 2018 (download (110.7 KB download icon))
- Sustainability of general government finances in Lithuania and other Baltic countries. December 2017 (download)
- Potential output in Lithuania – a joint measure using real and financial sector variables. December 2017 (download)
- The ins and outs of the Baltic unemployment rates. December 2017 (download (198.5 KB download icon))
- Decomposition of labour productivity in Lithuania based on the dynamics of sectoral hours worked. June 2017 (download)
- Population and labour force projections for the long term. June 2017 (download (238.2 KB download icon))
- Overview of Household Financial Assets. June 2017 (download (137.6 KB download icon))
- Ageing, Pension Reform and Economic Policy Options in Lithuania. December 2016 (download)
- Reform of Lithuania’s social model: regulation of labour relations. December 2016 (download)
- Reform of the Lithuanian social model: amendments to social security and the tax wedge. December 2016 (download)
- Overview of Lithuania’s export market shares for goods. December 2016 (download (400.4 KB download icon))
- Non-standard monetary policy measures of the ECB. June 2016 (download (975 KB download icon))
- Differences in average compensation for employees across the Baltic States. June 2016 (download)
- Impact of labour market reforms on Lithuania’s economy. June 2016 (download (443.3 KB download icon))
- Factors that determine investment. December 2015 (download (102.9 KB download icon))
- The effect of minimum wage increase on macroeconomic variables: survey results of Lithuanian enterprises. December 2015 (download)
- Working age population and labour force development and outlook. December 2015 (download)
- Analysis of profit indicators calculated from national accounts. December 2015 (download)
- Estimation of household disposable income and the saving ratio at quarterly frequency. June 2015 (download)
- Fiscal rules in the European Union and Lithuania. June 2015 (download (170.1 KB download icon))
- Household disposable income: structure, evolution and relationship with household consumption. December 2014 (download)
- MFI loan portfolio adjustment for technical factors. December 2014 (download (147.7 KB download icon))
- Manufacturing complexity of exported products. November 2013 (download (112.1 KB download icon))
- Export specialisation. November 2013 (download (271.4 KB download icon))
- Overview of the litas effective exchange rate indicators. November 2013 (download (218.3 KB download icon))
- Further analysis of Social Accounting Matrices (SAM): flow of financial funds table. May 2012 (download)
- Introduction to Social Accounting Matrices. February 2012 (download (116.4 KB download icon))
- Potential risks and their impact on Lithuania’s economic development. November 2011 (download)
- Economic recovery without a rebound in credit: paradox or logical pattern? November 2011 (download)
Lithuanian Economic Reviews – Boxes
- Impact of unpredictable events on the post-2020 developments of Lithuanian household consumption. September 2024 (HTML)
- Impact of labour market developments on economic growth in the Baltic countries and the EU as a whole. September 2024 (HTML)
- Developments of export market shares due to changes in labour costs and non-price competitiveness factors. September 2024 (HTML)
- Phillips curve models reveal that the impact of labour market tensions on quarterly core inflation weakened, but inertia supported the latter. September 2024 (HTML)
- Excess savings: what they were, what they were used for, who made them and what does it mean for consumption prospects? March 2024 (HTML)
- Dynamics and inequalities of household finances across the wealth distribution. March 2024 (HTML)
- How have the demographic trends of the last two years changed the situation in the Lithuanian labour market? March 2024 (HTML)
- How has Lithuania’s global export market share changed in recent years due to competitiveness and structural factors? March 2024 (HTML)
- The impact of prices on the general government revenue from VAT. March 2024 (HTML)
- Impact of corporate profits on price developments in Lithuania. September 2023 (HTML)
- Heterogeneous changes in household wealth and (in)equality. September 2023 (HTML)
- Changes in household economic and financial behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic shock. September 2023 (HTML)
- What has driven the surge in inflation in Lithuania? A look at supply-side factors. September 2023 (HTML)
- Update on the food price analysis: comparing costs and price developments in the key sectors of the food supply chain. September 2023 (HTML)
- Channels of impact of the ECB interest rate increases on Lithuania's economy. March 2023 (HTML)
- Why central banks no longer apply monetary targeting in pursuit of the low inflation target. March 2023 (HTML)
- War refugees from Ukraine: blow to Ukraine's demography, aid to Lithuania's labour market. March 2023 (HTML)
- Food price analysis: comparing costs and price developments in key sectors of the food supply chain. March 2023 (HTML)
- Cost changes and food inflation. March 2023 (HTML)
- Rationale for the decision to raise interest rates and impact channels. September 2022 (HTML)
- Impact of energy supply disruptions in the euro area on the Lithuanian economy. September 2022 (HTML)
- Cross-sectoral analysis of labour shortages and wage growth. September 2022 (HTML)
- What are the drivers of inflation and what do they say about the appropriateness of measures to mitigate inflation and its effects. September 2022 (HTML)
- Are rapidly rising wages hindering Lithuania’s success in the competitiveness race? March 2022 (HTML)
- Analysis of the trade relations between Lithuania and China. March 2022 (HTML)
- Consumer and producer price rigidity. March 2022 (HTML)
- Inflation has picked up: are internal or external factors driving the increase? March 2022 (HTML)
- Outcome of the Eurosystem's monetary policy strategy review. September 2021 (HTML)
- Are rising commodity and housing prices already driving inflation? September 2021 (HTML)
- Are the proposed changes to the indexation of Sodra’s retirement pensions effective in addressing the problem of small old-age pensions? September 2021 (HTML)
- Uncertainty and deviation of macroeconomic projections. September 2021 (HTML)
- Manufacturing structure's impact on investment. March 2021 (download (103.2 KB download icon))
- Assessing wage dynamics during the Covid-19 pandemic. March 2021 (download (94.9 KB download icon))
- Relation between post-downtime subsidies and income changes. March 2021 (download (43.6 KB download icon))
- Reasons behind insufficient general government tax revenue. March 2021 (download (56 KB download icon))
- Climate change problems and potential ways to address them in Lithuania. September 2020 (download (127.9 KB download icon))
- Investment geared towards long-term economic welfare. September 2020 (download (85.1 KB download icon))
- Economic ties between Lithuania and Belarus. September 2020 (download (101.3 KB download icon))
- The impact of Brexit on Lithuania’s economy. September 2019 (download (30.7 KB download icon))
- The impact of the transport sector on Lithuania’s economy and reasons of its development. September 2019 (download)
- The quality of human capital: are Lithuania’s human capital indicators in line with the economic development level? September 2019 (download (141 KB download icon))
- Complexity of Lithuanian goods exports. September 2019 (download (125.4 KB download icon))
- Potential impact of the US tariffs on car imports from the EU on the Lithuanian economy. March 2019 (download)
- Impact of higher energy prices on inflation and household consumption. March 2019 (download)
- Regional demographic and labour market differences and their impact on household disposable income. March 2019 (download)
- EC Mobility Package and Lithuania’s transportation sector. March 2019 (download (43.5 KB download icon))
- Are food prices rising faster than income. March 2019 (download (84.2 KB download icon))
- Adequacy and effectiveness of general government expenditure allocation in Lithuania. March 2019 (download)
- Initial overview of the flow of funds to Lithuania under the Multiannual Financial Framework for 2021-2027. October 2018 (download)
- Setting of the minimum wage. October 2018 (download (27.3 KB download icon))
- Consumer food price indices and weights in the basket of goods in the EU and the Baltic States. October 2018 (download)
- Assessment of the tax and pension system reform. October 2018 (download (28.9 KB download icon))
- Eurosystem’s monetary policy instruments and their application in Lithuania. June 2015 (download)
- Impact of Russia’s import restrictions on Lithuania’s economy. December 2014 (download)
- Structure and dynamics of Lithuania’s re-exports. May 2014 (download (87.6 KB download icon))
- Effects of the euro introduction on the Lithuanian economy in the short and medium term. November 2013 (download)
- Development of the Lithuanian export market share in the EU: structural assessment. November 2013 (download)
- Lithuanian export concentration. May 2013 (download (171.5 KB download icon))
- Factors for the Lithuanian export market share development in 2000–2011. May 2013 (download)
- The European Financial Stability Fund and the European Stability Mechanism. February 2013 (download)
- Potential GDP development and outlook in the medium term. February 2013 (download (143.1 KB download icon))
- Relationship between GDP growth and unemployment in Lithuania in 1999–2012. February 2013 (download)
- Effects of the crisis on income inequality in Lithuania. November 2012 (download (70.7 KB download icon))
- Development of mineral products foreign trade and its impact on the current account balance. November 2012 (download)
- Wage development by its regularity. August 2012 (download (132.3 KB download icon))
- Producer and consumer prices and their relationship in Lithuania. August 2012 (download)
- Emigration from Lithuania: its directions and trends. May 2012 (download (219 KB download icon))
- Analysis of foreign demand. May 2012 (download (199.1 KB download icon))
- The balance sheet of the general government sector: structural position and impact on Lithuania’s economy in 1999 to 2011. May 2012 (download (243.7 KB download icon))
- Effects of AB bankas SNORAS bankruptcy on key economic indicators of Lithuania. February 2012 (download)
- Carry-over effect and its impact on the growth of GDP. February 2012 (download (174.1 KB download icon))
- About the minimum monthly wage. February 2012 (download (141.9 KB download icon))
- An overview of forecasts of global food prices. February 2012 (download (190.6 KB download icon))