Bank of Lithuania
tekstas Applications are accepted:
Via the electronic consumer dispute resolution system                                   

*If you do not have the possibility to submit an application via the electronic consumer dispute resolution system, you can submit an application for a settlement of a consumer dispute by filling in the Consumer Application Form and sending it to the Legal and Licensing Department of the Bank of Lithuania by email:, or mail: Totorių g. 4, 01121 Vilnius, Lithuania.

Whichever way you choose to submit your application, it and its annexes must be in either the official language of the country, i.e. Lithuanian, or the English language. However, it should be noted that the dispute settlement process will be conducted in the Lithuanian language.

IMPORTANT! An application submitted via the electronic consumer dispute resolution system is considered signed by the consumer. This ensures a smoother, more efficient and simpler application process. An application submitted by mail must be signed by you (or an authorised representative). An application submitted by electronic means (e. g. by email) must be signed by you (or an authorised representative) with a qualified electronic signature.

For more information on dispute resolution at the Bank of Lithuania please call the toll-free information line +370 800 50 500 or +370 5 251 2763 (when calling from abroad).

Last update: 22-06-2023