Bank of Lithuania


Survey Participation Consent

If you wish to express your opinion on the licensing processes carried out by the Bank of Lithuania and the relevant issues related to the organisation of the licensing process and the authorisation process of collective investment undertakings, please fill in the attached consent form (13.1 KB download icon) and send it to so that you can be notified in the future of the Bank of Lithuania’s surveys on the evaluation of the licensing process and/or the authorisation process of collective investment undertakings.

If you wish to withdraw your consent, you may do so at any time by sending an email to

Survey of applicants (their representatives) on the licensing process

Survey of applicants (their representatives) on the licensing process

Survey of applicants (their representatives) on the conversations (interviews) with the management that took place during the licensing process

Survey of applicants (their representatives) on the conversations (interviews) with the management that took place during the licensing process

Survey of applicants (their representatives) on the notes received during the licensing process

Survey of applicants (their representatives) on the notes received during the licensing process

Survey of applicants (their representatives) on the meeting with the Bank of Lithuania representatives during the licensing process

Survey of applicants (their representatives) on the meeting with the Bank of Lithuania representatives during the licensing process

Survey of applicants (their representatives) on the authorisation process of collective investment undertakings (CIUs)

Survey of applicants (their representatives) on the authorisation process of collective investment undertakings (CIUs) (establishment of funds, sub-funds, investment companies, approval and amendment of rules, etc.)


Last update: 29-09-2021