Net external assets of monetary financial institutions (MFIs) climbed in July 2012 by LTL 1.6 billion to LTL 9.1 billion at the end of the month. Monetary aggregate M3 increased during the month by LTL 792.0 million, and its annual growth rate accelerated towards the end of the month to 14.5%. The M3 increase was mostly determined by the growth in short-term deposits and currency in circulation. Domestic credit melted by LTL 164.5 million because of the decreasing credit to other residents. Domestic credit increased over the year by LTL 717.1 million following the growth in the MFIs’ lending to the general government and the MFIs’ holdings of the central government-issued debt securities.
The above data was released by the Statistics Department of the Bank of Lithuania.
For more information on Monetary Survey and Balance Sheet of other MFIs see the Bank of Lithuania's Statistical release (182.3 KB download icon). Comprehensive data is presented on the website of the Bank of Lithuania.