Bank of Lithuania
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Direct Investment in Q3 2023 (Joint press release by the Bank of Lithuania and State Data Agency).

The Bank of Lithuania and the State Data Agency published the provisional data on direct investment (DI) for the third quarter of 2023. According to the latest data release:

foreign direct investment (FDI) flow in Lithuania amounted to €704.2 million in the reporting period, driven by a €930.8 million increase in reinvested earnings and a €365.7 million decrease in debt instruments. The largest positive flows to Lithuania were recorded from Poland (€238.9 million) and Sweden (€230.8 million), while negative flows came from Switzerland (€81.2 million) and Norway (€41.8 million). In terms of economic activity, investments in manufacturing (€338.6 million) as well as financial and insurance activities (€275.4 million) were the ones to stand out;

FDI income by non-residents increased by 21.4% and amounted to €1,114.2 million in Q3 2022, compared to the same period last year (see Chart 1). Reinvested earnings (€930.8 million) and dividends (€156.4 million) accounted for the largest share of income. The largest share of FDI income was earned by the Polish (€244.8 million), UK (€175 million) and Swedish (€166.7 million) investors;

cumulative FDI in Lithuania rose by 12.1% over the year and as at 30 September 2023 amounted to €32.7 billion or 46.1% of the gross domestic product (GDP). FDI per capita in Lithuania amounted to an average of €11,400 (as at 30 September 2022 – to €10,239). The major investors in Lithuania were Germany (€5.7 billion), Estonia (€3.6 billion), Sweden (€3.5 billion), the Netherlands (€3 billion) and the United Kingdom (€2.5 million). The most FDI (€11.3 billion) was attracted by financial and insurance companies;

the flow of Lithuania’s DI abroad amounted to €74.7 million during the reporting period. The largest investment flows were recorded for the USA (€62.4 million) and Estonia (€35.8 million). In terms of economic activity, the largest investments were directed to companies carrying out professional, scientific and technical activities (€68.3 million) as well as administrative and service activities (€38.6 million);

DI income earned by Lithuanian investors abroad amounted to €93.1 million. The largest share of income earned by Lithuanian investors was comprised of dividends and reinvested earnings (€43 million and €40.7 million, respectively) (see Chart 2). Most income was earned from investment in the USA (€65.7 million), while by type of economic activity – professional, scientific and technical companies (€74.6 million);

Lithuania’s cumulative DI abroad increased by 22.7% over the year and stood at €13 billion on 30 September 2023. Lithuania’s DI to EU Member States amounted to 59.3%. Major directions of Lithuania’s DI abroad: the USA and Latvia (35.4% and 15.4% of Lithuania’s total DI abroad). The largest share of Lithuania’s cumulative DI abroad (47.5% or €6.2 billion) went to companies engaged in professional, scientific and technical activities).

Chart 1. Non-resident FDI income
Direct investment in Q3 2023

Chart 2. Lithuania’s DI income abroad
Direct investment in Q3 2023

Detailed data on DI is available on the Bank of Lithuania website under External Sector Statistics.
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