Bank of Lithuania
    16 May 2011     BALANCE OF PAYMENTS OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA, March 2011 (key indicators)   An increase in the surplus on current transfer balance led to the surplus on the current   account balance (CAB) of the country’s balance of payments in March 2011, while the month- on-month positive change made up LTL 231.4 million. The negative amount (LTL – 783.3 million) on the financial account of the balance of payments for March this year was the result of an increase of official reserve assets and an outflow of other investment. Current account. In March 2011, the CAB surplus on the country’s balance of payments made up LTL 158.8 million. Meanwhile, the CAB deficit of LTL 348.9 million was reported in January 2011 and of LTL 72.6 million in February. Therefore, for January–March 2011 the CAB deficit totalled LTL 262.7 million or –1.1% of GDP (for January–March 2010, the CAB surplus of LTL 54.5 million or 0.3% of GDP was reported). In recent 12 months (April 2010 to March 2011), the CAB surplus amounted to LTL 1.4 billion or 1.5% of GDP. In April 2009 to March 2010, the surplus was LTL 4 billion or 4.5% of GDP. CAB and composite balances -1,000 -750 -500 -250 0 250 500 750 1,000 Mar. 2010 Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. 2011M Feb. Mar. LTL millions CAB Trade balance Balance of services Income balance Balance of current transfers   According to the data of the Statistics Lithuania, in March 2011, export of goods increased month on month by 9.9%, while import of goods grew by 12.7%. In March, the foreign trade balance deficit totalled LTL 830.1 million (in February 2011 it totalled LTL 605.6 million). In January–March 2011, compared to the corresponding period in 2010, export and import of goods grew respectively by 49.7% and 49.6%, while export and import growth excluding mineral products made up 46.7% and 49.5% respectively. The export growth wa

2011-05-17 Balance of Payments of the Republic of Lithuania March, 2011 (53.8 KB download icon)