Bank of Lithuania
December 09 10:00 - 12:10
Vilnius Totorių g. 4 and Microsoft Teams Meeting


10:00 – Bank of Lithuania, Microsoft Teams channel


10:00 – 10:05

Welcome and Opening Remarks

10:05 – 10:45

Jose Garcia-Louzao and Valentin Jouvanceau (TMTS) “Lithuanian Labour Market DevelopmentsSlides (1.8 MB download icon). Presentation. (125.2 MB download icon)
- The developments of wages in Lithuania and in other European countries
- How changes in value added, prices, minimum wage, and labor market tightness have contributed to wage growth?
- Was it aggregate supply, demand or labour market disturbances that affected short-term fluctuations in wages in Lithuania?
- Why is labour share of income an important measure and what are the medium-term factors behind the evolution of the labor share in Lithuania?

10:45 – 11:05

Ziran (Josh) Ding (CEFER) “Dynamic and Distributional Impacts of Decoupling from Global Value Chains
- Is deglobalization (decoupling) really happening in the global economy? 
- What are the impacts of supply chain disruptions on macro economy?
- The winners and losers of the decoupling from global value chains?

11:05 – 11:25

Coffee Break

11:25 – 11:45

Benjamin Hemingway (CEFER) “The Impact of CBDC on Bank Deposits and the Interbank MarketSlides (965.2 KB download icon). Presentation. (77.4 MB download icon)
- The motives for central bank digital currency (CBDC) considerations
- How the introduction of a CBDC affects the market for bank retail deposits and the functioning of the interbank market?
- Potential effects of CBDC on retail bank’s market share

11:45 – 12:05

Soroosh Siavash (TMTS) “Confidence Bands for GDP and Inflation Projections: How, Why and What We have Learned During The Pandemic?Slides (249.1 KB download icon). Presentation. (51.8 MB download icon)  
- Why do central banks and other forecasters use confidence bands?
- How are confidence bands constructed?
- How has the forecast uncertainty been evolving in the pandemic year 2020? What can we learn from that?

12:05 – 12:10

Closing Remarks

Last update: 13-12-2022