Bank of Lithuania
October 03 09:00 - 16:30
Vilnius Lietuvos nacionalinė Martyno Mažvydo biblioteka, Gedimino pr. 51, Vilnius

By organising this conference, the Bank of Lithuania seeks to bring together policy advisors, business representatives and academics to discuss the best practices and ways for addressing challenges. We hope that the ideas and insights shared at the event will help Lithuania’s policy makers adopt adequate and effective policy measures.

Format of the event: hybrid. Register to participate in person or watch the event online on the Bank of Lithuania’s website.



Speaker bios (5.3 MB download icon)

08:45–09:00 Registration and welcome coffee

Opening address. Gediminas Šimkus, Chair of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania


Keynote speach: Inflation and Monetary Policy in the Euro Area​.  Philip R.Lane, Member of the ECB’s Executive Board

Session 1

Fighting inflation: drivers, responces and prospects


  • The path to price stability - inflation dynamics and the role of labor markets. Helge Berger, Deputy Director, IMF's European Department
  •  An anatomy of the inflation burst: what to expect next? Deniz Igan, BIS, Head of Macroeconomic Analysis
  •  Interpreting underlying inflation dynamics in a challenging environment. Sarah Holton, Head of Prices and Costs (PAC) Division in the Directorate General Economics at ECB
  •  International trade, supply shocks and inflation: what to expect in the future? Beata Javorcik, EBRD’s Chief Economist (virtually)
  •  Fiscal and monetary policy mix: lessons learned. Aino Bunge, Deputy Governor of the Board of Sveriges Riksbank

Coffee break


Policy panel discussion. Q&A session. Participants: Mr Philip R.Lane, Mr H.Berger, Ms A.Bunge, Ms D.Igan

Moderator: Gediminas Šimkus, Chair of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania


Lunch break 

Session 2

Effects of the surge in inflation in Lithuania: What can we expect in the future?
  • Bank of Lithuania Annual Study.  Dissecting inflation surge in Lithuania: lessons learned and prospects. Darius Imbrasas, Principal Economist, Bank of Lithuania
  • High inflation and Lithuania’s industry: What steps have been taken and what lessons have been learnt? Vidmantas Janulevičius, President of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists
  • What have we done to prevent the recurrence of energy price shocks? Virgilijus Poderys, former Director of the Lithuanian Energy Agency
  • How will RRF funds contribute to Lithuanian economy’s resilience to future shocks? Vaida Markevičienė, Viceminister of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania

Coffee break


Discussion with Speakers. Q&A session

Participants: Ms V.Markevičienė, Mr V.Janulevičius, Mr V.Poderys, Mr D.Imbrasas

Moderator: Julita Varanauskienė, Deputy Chair of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania


Summary of the conference



Registration for this event is over.
Last update: 04-10-2023