Bank of Lithuania
Theodore Panagiotidis

Theodore Panagiotidis

University of Macedonia

Personal website

Theodore Panagiotidis holds a PhD from the University of Sheffield. He held academic positions in Brunel University, Loughborough University, the University of Sheffield, Open University, the Queen Mary University of London and the London School of Economics. He is a Senior Fellow at the Rimini Center of Economics Analysis. He is also the coeditor of the Review of Economics Analysis and serves in the editorial boards of the Journal of Economics and Finance, Economics and Business Letters, the International Review of Financial Studies, the African Review of Economics and Finance. He has published more than 60 articles in refereed journals, including the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Economic Inquiry, Oxford Economic Papers, the Journal of Forecasting, the Journal of International Money and Finance, Economics Letters, the Journal of Futures Markets, Macroeconomic Dynamics and Energy Economics.

Period of visit: September–October 2019

Last update: 28-06-2021