Bank of Lithuania

The Bank of Lithuania starts conducting a new Survey of Risks, which will allow to assess the opinion of the Lithuanian financial institutions about stability of the domestic financial system and potential challenges to its sustainable development in the future.

“The representatives of banks, insurance companies, investment funds and other financial institutions that hold management positions and are highly experienced are asked to answer several questions about potential threats to the domestic financial system. After summarising the answers of market participants, we will draw the “map” of financial system risks”, said Mr Vaidotas Tamulėnas, Economist of the Financial Stability Division of the Economics Department of the Bank of Lithuania.

He told that the survey will be conducted in two weeks; it is planned to publish its results in the beginning of April.

Up to now, the Bank of Lithuania submitted questions about the threats of the nearest period in its Bank Lending Survey. It was difficult to determine the systemic risk due to a low number of survey participants, therefore, from now on the questions about the systemic risk will be asked in the Survey of Risks. It will be conducted twice a year.

The Bank of Lithuania also conducts the Survey of the Households with Housing Loans.

The Bank of Lithuania constantly analyses the economic development of Lithuania and foreign states and informs the general public about it in regular publications and press releases. The results of surveys conducted by the Bank are also used for economic insights.