Bank of Lithuania
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Financial accounts – data on the financial assets and liabilities of the institutional sectors of the Lithuanian economy.

Detailed quarterly data is available on Lietuvos bankas website under Financial accounts statistics, Debt indicators of institutional sectors and Financial assets and liabilities of households.

Financial accounts annual data for 1995–2023 are published on Lietuvos bankas website in the section Financial assets and liabilities of the Lithuanian economy under Statistics in brief.

In 2024, a benchmark revision of financial accounts data is carried out in all countries of the European Union. Lithuanian financial accounts data will be revised starting from the first quarter of 2004 to the fourth quarter of 2023. Substantial changes will be made to the data of the non-financial corporation (S.11) and households (S.14) sectors. To reduce statistical discrepancy between financial and non-financial accounts, the methodology for calculation of unlisted shares issued by non-financial corporations has been changed – retained earnings from the transaction have been transferred to revaluations. Calculations of trade credits and advances will also be revised. Revised data will be published on 3 October 2024.

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