Bank of Lithuania

Financial assets and liabilities of households, including non-profit institutions serving households, by financial instrument and purpose.

Outstanding amounts at the end of the period – in EUR millions.

To see charts, please add indicators from table

Measurement units: Euro (millions)

sorting sorting Q1/2022 sorting Q2/2022 sorting Q3/2022 sorting Q4/2022 sorting Q1/2023 sorting Q2/2023 sorting Q3/2023 sorting Q4/2023 sorting Q1/2024
Financial assets 64,386.26 65,855.70 66,885.19 69,667.53 72,015.02 73,938.76 74,383.94 75,661.84 76,452.87
Currency and deposits 23,841.98 23,923.68 24,116.88 25,345.94 24,890.14 25,222.27 25,459.27 26,930.97 26,751.52
Currency 3,628.21 3,659.22 3,630.10 3,638.00 3,640.20 3,644.03 3,735.91 3,749.68 3,806.70
Transferable deposits 15,824.87 16,131.09 16,358.02 17,460.57 16,437.04 15,303.45 14,453.11 14,938.47 13,967.52
Other deposits 4,388.89 4,133.36 4,128.76 4,247.37 4,812.89 6,274.80 7,270.25 8,242.82 8,977.30
Saving certificates 2.31 1.60 1.60 1.17 0.57 0.57 107.21 171.61 187.51
Debt securities 304.85 337.82 379.92 444.78 653.43 746.04 737.02 785.98 894.14
Equity 23,243.03 25,030.75 25,246.27 26,009.32 27,290.45 27,503.39 27,183.64 25,923.08 25,206.29
Listed shares 1,124.22 1,029.41 1,042.12 1,068.10 1,154.33 1,166.98 1,170.99 1,232.05 1,306.28
Unlisted shares  21,628.11 23,500.91 23,688.87 24,404.00 25,622.37 25,810.82 25,470.98 24,142.96 23,316.16
Other equity  490.70 500.42 515.28 537.22 513.75 525.58 541.67 548.07 583.86
Money market fund (MMF) shares/units 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 13.75 44.35 53.24
Non-MMF investment fund shares/units 1,213.08 1,123.21 1,158.93 1,253.97 1,301.99 1,354.17 1,191.16 1,306.69 1,489.01
Equity fund 429.18 401.75 401.02 434.89 462.74 494.54 395.50 454.04 509.65
Bond fund 151.94 148.89 150.98 154.27 156.37 158.36 157.94 181.16 192.40
Real estate 239.67 218.80 230.15 250.40 257.41 265.07 281.70 298.51 300.07
Mixed fund 173.23 158.86 166.14 174.38 183.19 186.69 117.49 120.46 106.88
Other fund 219.05 194.91 210.65 240.03 242.27 249.49 238.54 252.52 380.02
Life insurance and annuity entitlements 1,186.43 1,117.31 1,139.80 1,119.83 1,170.69 1,192.45 1,179.13 1,231.02 1,304.13
Unit-linked 697.92 648.14 685.82 692.01 723.41 744.27 739.64 762.56 840.22
Non unit-linked   488.51 469.17 453.99 427.82 447.28 448.18 439.49 468.45 463.91
Pension entitlements 5,968.24 5,553.23 5,671.61 5,824.84 6,216.95 6,688.09 6,840.30 7,395.94 8,100.73
Defined contribution plans 5,968.24 5,553.23 5,671.61 5,824.84 6,216.95 6,688.09 6,840.30 7,395.94 8,100.73
Defined benefit plans 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hybrid schemes 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Non-life insurance technical reserves 288.39 290.22 293.68 305.75 257.44 273.03 270.20 270.20 270.20
Other financial assets not elsewhere classified 8,340.26 8,479.50 8,878.09 9,363.10 10,233.92 10,959.32 11,509.48 11,773.62 12,383.61
Liabilities 14,663.84 15,662.62 16,090.21 16,001.64 16,129.88 16,195.66 16,619.00 16,598.83 18,187.34
Short-term loans (up to one year) 290.92 316.68 312.53 279.70 265.27 319.29 343.62 320.22 372.83
Consumer credit 228.96 240.37 254.22 242.35 225.94 275.14 293.68 271.76 325.93
Loans for other purposes 61.96 76.31 58.31 37.35 39.34 44.16 49.94 48.45 46.90
Long-term loans (more than one year) 13,377.74 13,789.57 14,257.75 14,414.07 14,646.25 14,963.49 15,191.62 15,333.08 15,621.55
Consumer credit 1,424.61 1,473.07 1,578.93 1,497.55 1,572.41 1,629.87 1,644.91 1,658.29 1,790.01
Loans for house purchase 10,512.23 10,829.96 11,163.67 11,456.85 11,622.60 11,853.25 12,047.76 12,192.92 12,349.05
Loans for other purposes 1,440.90 1,486.54 1,515.15 1,459.67 1,451.24 1,480.37 1,498.95 1,481.87 1,482.49
Other liabilities not elsewhere classified 995.18 1,556.37 1,519.93 1,307.86 1,218.36 912.88 1,083.75 945.54 2,192.96
Last update: 09-04-2018