Annex to AB SEB bankas base prospectus approved
The Supervision Service of the Bank of Lithuania decided to approve Annex 1 to AB SEB bankas base prospectus of non-equity securities for the amount of LTL 1,500,000,000 approved by the Decision of the Securities Commission of the Republic of Lithuania No. 2K-177 on 1 September 2011.
The public list of consumer credit intermediaries supplemented
The Supervision Service of the Bank of Lithuania decided to include forty two intermediaries of the consumer credit lender UAB Ūkio banko lizingas into the public list of consumer credit intermediaries. The supplemented list is published on the website of the Bank of Lithuania.
Inspection results of the credit union “Sostinės kreditas” received strict assessment
The Supervision Service of the Bank of Lithuania strictly assessed the inspection results of the credit union “Sostinės kreditas” (Vilnius) instructed it to reduce the risk related to the crediting of legal entities, to remove violations of legal acts and drawbacks in its operations ascertained during the inspection by 30 September 2012 and to notify the Supervision Service of the Bank of Lithuania thereof.