Bank of Lithuania

Permission issued to become a Member of the Supervisory Council of AB Šiaulių bankas

The Supervision Service of the Bank of Lithuania decided to issue permission to Ramunė Vilija Zabulienė to become a Member of the Supervisory Council of AB Šiaulių bankas.

The decision to appoint Ms. Zabulienė to this position was taken at AB Šiaulių bankas shareholders' meeting on 29 March 2012, however, it was also established during the meeting that she will be able to start working in this position after obtaining permission of the Bank of Lithuania.

Ramunė Vilija Zabulienė was the Member of the Board and the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania from 25 March 2002 to 21 March 2011.

Permission issued to invest in the Lithuanian government securities

2nd pillar “Finasta” temperate and conservative investment pension funds managed by UAB “Finasta Asset Management” were allowed to invest respectively up to 65 per cent and up to 80 per cent of the value of net assets into transferable securities or money market instruments issued or guaranteed by one issuer – the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.

Permission was issued on condition that the investment will be made into government securities or money market instruments of no less than 6 issues. Besides, no more than 30 per cent of the value of net assets may be invested in government securities or money market instruments of one issue.

Permission issued to become a member of the Supervisory Council of AB “Citadelė”

The Supervision Service of the Bank of Lithuania decided to issue permission to Juris Jakobsons to become a member of the Supervisory Council of AB “Citadelė”.

Juris Jakobsons was elected as a Member of the Supervisory Council during AB “Citadelė” shareholders’ meeting of 26 March 2012, however, he will be able to start his work after obtaining permission of the Bank of Lithuania. 

Currently Juris Jakobsons is the Chairman of the Board of the Latvian bank AS “Citadele” banka.

Permission issued to invest a part of the pension fund’s assets in the Lithuanian government securities

The Supervision Service of the Bank of Lithuania allowed UAB “Danske Capital investicijų valdymas” to invest up to 80 % of the value of net assets of the 2nd pillar pension fund “Konservatyvaus valdymo Danske pensija” into transferable securities or money market instruments issued or guaranteed by one issuer – the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.

Permission was issued on condition that such investment will be made into no less than 6 issues of transferable securities or money market instruments and no more than 30 per cent of the value of net assets of the said fund will be invested into one issue of transferable securities or money market instruments.

Permission issued to amend the rules of a closed investment fund

The Supervision Service of the Bank of Lithuania gave permission to amend the rules and the full prospectus of closed type special real estate investment fund “My Residence” managed by UAB “Finasta Asset Management”.

After the amendments, it will be possible to use the funds of this fund to cover all expenses related to the expansion of assets comprising this fund. In addition, other amendments of technical nature were made.