Bank of Lithuania
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The Bank of Lithuania has issued into circulation two collector coins dedicated to the end-of-winter celebration Užgavėnės – a €1.5 coin from a copper-nickel alloy and a €5 silver coin featuring the legendary Morė, the effigy of winter, and masqueraders. The coins will be issued into circulation on 19 February. The early sale starts today, on 12 February, via the Bank of Lithuania e-shop ( 

“The new coin commemorates the noisy, spring-welcoming Užgavėnės and its traditional characters. It is yet another addition to the coin series “Traditional Lithuanian Celebrations”, already including coins dedicated to Kaziukas’ Fair and Joninės,” said Deivis Stankevičius, Chairman of the Coin Creation Commission at the Bank of Lithuania.

Both denominations are of the same design. The reverse of the coins depicts symbols of Užgavėnės, a merry and noisy celebration symbolising the fading winter and the coming spring. The centre of the coins features Morė surrounded by masqueraders: a beggar, a crane, a witch baking pancakes, Lašininis (the symbol of winter), Kanapinis (the symbol of spring) and a goat playing an accordion. The obverse of the coins depicts another character – a dressed-up horse rider. The coins were designed by Giedrius Paulauskis.

The composition is surrounded by the slogan ŽIEMA, ŽIEMA, BĖK IŠ KIEMO! (winter, winter go away!), while the edge of the silver coin features the inscription JEI NEBĖGSI, IŠVARYSIM, SU BOTAGAIS IŠBAIDYSIM! (if you stay, we will oust you, whipping you away!).

A pad-printing technology was used to create the impression of flames surrounding Morė on the reverse of the €5 silver coin. The silver coin will be issued in a mintage of 3,000 pieces. The €1.5 coin is uncoloured and minted from a copper-nickel alloy in 30,000 pieces. The price of the silver coin is €49, while the €1.5 coin is valued at €2.

The collector coin dedicated to Užgavėnės is the third coin from the series “Traditional Lithuanian Celebrations”, which was launched in 2017. 

5 euro silver coin dedicated to Užgavėnės

1,5 euro  coin dedicated to Užgavėnės