On 27–29 November, the Bank of Lithuania is hosting the first Invited Lecture Series titled “Learning and Expectations Formation in Macroeconomics and Finance”.
The invited lecturer is Professor Klaus Adam from the University of Oxford. The event brings together researchers from the central banks of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Spain as well as different European universities and other research institutions. The lectures are followed by workshops where attendees have the opportunity to present their working papers.
The topic of the lecture series is especially relevant for researchers who conduct empirical and theoretical research on monetary policy, because it invites participants to deviate from the rational expectation hypothesis and consider expectation formation from the perspective of learning. The lecture series also discusses the consequences of this expectation formation on the understanding and analysis of business cycles and stock markets.
The lectures will also address the implications of this type of expectations formation for understanding and analysing business cycles and equity markets.
Professor Klaus Adam has published numerous articles on monetary and fiscal policy issues in various high-level journals, such as The American Economic Review, Journal of Monetary Economics, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics and The Journal of Finance.
The Invited Lecture Series is organised by the Center for Excellence in Finance and Economic Research (CEFER).
Established in 2015, CEFER is the leading center for financial and economic research in Lithuania and, together with other similar institutes around the globe, is part of NERO – a network of National Economic Research Organisations. CEFER organises large-scale conferences (Baltic Economic Conference, joint conferences with CEBRA/CEFR, the National Bank of Poland, etc.), contributes to the establishment of the Baltic Economic Association, develops joint doctoral programmes, grants the Vladas Jurgutis Award for significant scientific research works as well as hosts research seminars and workshops on a regular basis. More information is available here.