Bank of Lithuania
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The Bank of Lithuania begins publishing debt securities holdings statistics. The new data set is presented broken down by issuer and holder sector and residency and published not only in time series format but also in “from whom-to-whom “tables.  Such reporting clearly shows which institutional sectors of the country are creditors and which are debtors.

Statistical data on debt securities holdings is compiled from statistical reporting data on securities held by monetary financial institutions and account managers, supplementing it with information from the Centralised Securities Database operated by the European System of Central Banks. Moreover, data from insurance companies, investments and pension funds data on securities holdings is used to compile statistics.

Debt securities holdings statistics are published on a quarterly basis following the requirements of the Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS Plus), established by the International Monetary Fund. Detailed data are published on the Bank of Lithuania website’s section on debt securities holdings statistics, data release dates – data release calendar, metadata – methodologies page.