Bank of Lithuania

Resident financial assets abroad and liabilities to non-residents at the end of the period. 

Outstanding amounts at the end of the period – in EUR millions.

To see charts, please add indicators from table

Measurement units: Euro (millions)

sorting sorting Q3/2022 sorting Q4/2022 sorting Q1/2023 sorting Q2/2023 sorting Q3/2023 sorting Q4/2023 sorting Q1/2024 sorting Q2/2024 sorting Q3/2024
Net International investment position −6,818.99 −8,088.72 −7,430.89 −5,789.35 −3,093.12 −3,421.78 −2,449.15 450.35 1,017.01
A. Assets 65,878.22 67,677.49 70,411.92 74,679.54 77,518.91 81,525.94 85,379.02 89,448.29 93,241.98
A.1 Direct investment 13,349.22 13,120.13 14,284.76 14,570.43 15,297.20 15,494.26 15,439.37 15,418.54 15,735.12
A.1.1 Equity 9,601.22 9,565.63 10,082.69 10,151.01 10,186.01 10,362.94 10,534.16 10,510.37 10,569.14
A.1.1.1 In direct investment enterprises 9,600.01 9,564.10 10,081.19 10,149.11 10,184.12 10,360.90 10,521.95 10,498.60 10,557.64
A.1.1.2 In direct investor - - - - - - - - -
A.1.1.3 Between fellow enterprises 1.21 1.53 1.50 1.90 1.89 2.04 12.21 11.77 11.50
A.1.2 Debt instruments 3,748.00 3,554.50 4,202.07 4,419.42 5,111.19 5,131.32 4,905.21 4,908.17 5,165.98
A.1.2.1 In direct investment enterprises 793.00 771.56 907.09 1,000.44 1,148.28 1,091.19 1,127.67 1,104.10 1,095.23
A.1.2.2 In direct investor 664.70 684.60 794.44 809.77 898.86 967.32 747.14 649.85 626.40
A.1.2.3 Between fellow enterprises 2,290.30 2,098.34 2,500.54 2,609.21 3,064.05 3,072.81 3,030.40 3,154.22 3,444.35
A.2 Portfolio investment 19,376.68 19,735.02 21,378.43 23,009.77 23,304.98 23,467.60 24,434.09 24,373.53 26,346.96
A.2.1 Equity and investment fund shares 7,419.34 7,502.15 8,294.45 9,103.21 9,333.82 9,723.92 11,178.54 11,671.68 12,243.26
A.2.1.1 Equity securities 748.25 789.32 848.41 1,005.44 1,025.59 1,127.32 1,203.40 1,252.27 1,271.67
A. Bank of Lithuania - - - - - - - - -
A. Other MFIs 2.56 3.04 0.08 2.55 0.24 0.06 0.10 0.05 0.01
A. General government - - - - - - - - -
A. Other sectors 745.69 786.28 848.33 1,002.89 1,025.35 1,127.26 1,203.30 1,252.22 1,271.66
A. Financial corporations other than MFIs 264.42 318.40 322.18 331.66 348.34 396.42 398.80 401.96 432.41
A. Non-financial corporations, households and NPISHs 481.27 467.88 526.15 671.23 677.01 730.84 804.50 850.26 839.25
A.2.1.2 Investment fund shares 6,671.09 6,712.83 7,446.04 8,097.77 8,308.23 8,596.60 9,975.14 10,419.41 10,971.59
A. Bank of Lithuania 390.64 365.29 631.57 825.69 971.45 1,009.89 1,071.98 1,030.28 1,031.90
A. Other MFIs - - - - - - 0.01 0.01 -
A. General government 14.67 17.03 19.54 21.64 24.63 30.32 34.96 37.69 42.00
A. Other sectors 6,265.78 6,330.51 6,794.93 7,250.44 7,312.15 7,556.39 8,868.19 9,351.43 9,897.69
A. Financial corporations other than MFIs 5,560.16 5,592.57 5,983.98 6,401.95 6,659.67 6,823.44 7,990.29 8,392.92 8,837.99
A. Non-financial corporations, households and NPISHs 705.62 737.94 810.95 848.49 652.48 732.95 877.90 958.51 1,059.70
A.2.2 Debt securities 11,957.34 12,232.87 13,083.98 13,906.56 13,971.16 13,743.68 13,255.55 12,701.85 14,103.70
A.2.2.1 Short-term 34.59 127.87 366.68 723.87 978.89 979.26 818.54 682.00 881.83
A. Bank of Lithuania - - - - - - - - -
A. Other MFIs 0.00 0.00 79.22 362.41 534.56 472.18 399.14 161.54 136.41
A. General government - 11.79 31.92 12.11 6.19 0.30 0.00 0.60 104.48
A. Other sectors 34.59 116.08 255.54 349.35 438.14 506.78 419.40 519.86 640.94
A. Financial corporations other than MFIs 29.89 40.65 87.29 108.20 187.34 205.12 132.09 228.77 356.15
A. Non-financial corporations, households and NPISHs 4.70 75.43 168.25 241.15 250.80 301.66 287.31 291.09 284.79
A.2.2.2 Long-term 11,922.75 12,105.00 12,717.30 13,182.69 12,992.27 12,764.42 12,437.01 12,019.85 13,221.87
A. Bank of Lithuania 6,418.38 5,967.09 5,987.37 5,974.15 5,611.17 4,763.86 4,734.65 4,620.40 4,625.15
A. Other MFIs 2,845.80 3,205.67 3,622.81 3,751.00 3,773.90 4,296.54 4,329.39 3,795.22 4,862.06
A. General government 828.05 878.63 859.60 982.50 1,081.62 1,121.31 1,056.79 993.48 1,026.33
A. Other sectors 1,830.52 2,053.61 2,247.52 2,475.04 2,525.58 2,582.71 2,316.18 2,610.75 2,708.33
A. Financial corporations other than MFIs 1,482.58 1,643.51 1,748.23 1,796.03 1,815.10 1,736.94 1,695.27 1,683.33 1,734.20
A. Non-financial corporations, households and NPISHs 347.94 410.10 499.29 679.01 710.48 845.77 620.91 927.42 974.13
A.3 Financial derivatives and employee stock options 277.43 199.76 169.81 165.98 172.34 100.04 213.27 195.24 102.44
A.3.1 Bank of Lithuania 82.23 59.32 49.71 55.10 58.13 24.75 41.99 47.36 29.73
A.3.2 Other MFIs 195.05 137.10 114.56 101.02 109.89 64.27 155.38 132.41 62.85
A.3.3 General government - - - - - - - - -
A.3.4 Other sectors 0.15 3.34 5.54 9.86 4.32 11.02 15.90 15.47 9.86
A.3.4.1 Financial corporations other than MFIs 0.15 3.34 5.54 9.86 4.32 11.02 15.90 15.47 9.86
A.3.4.2 Non-financial corporations, households and NPISHs - - - - - - - - -
A.4 Other investment 27,560.78 29,588.14 28,902.81 31,525.31 33,190.27 36,861.57 40,225.39 43,987.11 45,486.03
A.4.1 Other equity 567.97 571.48 571.65 571.48 1,372.30 1,765.00 2,302.02 2,950.13 2,950.13
A.4.2 Currency and deposits 5,433.03 10,584.77 10,202.21 9,577.14 10,099.10 13,281.57 15,171.99 16,634.15 16,360.26
A.4.2.1 Bank of Lithuania 2,888.16 8,476.51 7,535.23 6,797.30 6,482.57 9,770.37 11,462.81 12,628.14 11,452.71
A.4.2.2 Other MFIs 841.14 358.57 438.74 552.58 1,280.82 1,075.65 1,118.90 1,216.12 1,534.86
A.4.2.3 General government 378.66 479.56 517.75 397.47 451.35 418.80 417.42 430.81 492.95
A.4.2.4 Other sectors 1,325.07 1,270.13 1,710.49 1,829.79 1,884.36 2,016.75 2,172.86 2,359.08 2,879.74
A. Financial corporations other than MFIs 315.68 349.09 344.58 422.77 410.02 469.35 543.30 659.80 819.72
A. Non-financial corporations, households and NPISHs 1,009.39 921.04 1,365.91 1,407.02 1,474.34 1,547.40 1,629.56 1,699.28 2,060.02
A.4.3 Loans 16,217.94 12,690.64 13,385.51 16,365.80 16,695.81 16,235.98 17,547.20 19,309.56 21,028.05
A.4.3.1 Bank of Lithuania 7,653.01 452.88 326.56 346.17 346.11 346.67 346.36 270.83 331.62
A. Credit and loans with IMF (other than reserves) - - - - - - - - -
A. Short-term 7,653.01 452.88 326.56 346.17 346.11 346.67 346.36 270.83 331.62
A. Long-term - - - - - - - - -
A.4.3.2 Other MFIs 7,526.66 10,659.50 11,480.22 14,450.72 14,827.39 14,044.44 15,364.78 17,268.29 18,960.98
A. Short-term 4,299.58 7,243.80 7,976.97 10,741.57 10,986.93 10,620.78 11,459.24 11,718.53 12,961.76
A. Long-term 3,227.08 3,415.70 3,503.25 3,709.15 3,840.46 3,423.66 3,905.54 5,549.76 5,999.22
A.4.3.3 General government 818.23 1,373.46 1,374.28 1,370.02 1,322.11 1,648.19 1,640.43 1,571.20 1,556.94
A. Credit and loans with IMF (other than reserves) - - - - - - - - -
A. Short-term - - - - - - - - -
A. Long-term 818.23 1,373.46 1,374.28 1,370.02 1,322.11 1,648.19 1,640.43 1,571.20 1,556.94
A.4.3.4 Other sectors 220.04 204.80 204.45 198.89 200.20 196.68 195.63 199.24 178.51
A. Short-term 13.42 5.91 6.14 6.18 6.19 5.23 5.23 8.48 13.54
A. Long-term 206.62 198.89 198.31 192.71 194.01 191.45 190.40 190.76 164.97
A. Financial corporations other than MFIs 117.79 117.59 117.82 111.82 111.82 111.72 108.77 108.80 84.09
A. Short-term 0.37
A. Long-term 111.45
A. Non-financial corporations, households and NPISHs 102.25 87.21 86.63 87.07 88.38 84.96 86.86 90.44 94.42
A. Short-term 5.82
A. Long-term 82.56
A.4.4 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantee schemes 78.46 75.17 73.52 72.30 81.26 74.92 75.10 78.11 80.30
A.4.4.1 Bank of Lithuania - - - - - - - - -
A.4.4.2 Other MFIs - - - - - - - - -
A.4.4.3 General government - - - - - - - - -
A.4.4.4 Other sectors 78.46 75.17 73.52 72.30 81.26 74.92 75.10 78.11 80.30
A. Financial corporations other than MFIs 78.46 75.17 73.52 72.30 81.26 74.92 75.10 78.11 80.30
A. Non-financial corporations, households and NPISHs - - - - - - - - -
A.4.5 Trade credits and advances 4,424.56 4,277.60 4,044.38 4,317.99 4,041.11 4,076.18 4,325.40 4,351.52 4,348.84
A.4.5.1 Bank of Lithuania - - - - - - - - -
A.4.5.2 Other MFIs 37.86 30.19 22.36 220.28 5.40 3.95 9.19 8.50 5.78
A.4.5.3 General government 2.04 2.06 2.94 2.71 4.19 5.09 5.42 5.50 2.54
A.4.5.4 Other sectors 4,384.66 4,245.35 4,019.08 4,095.00 4,031.52 4,067.14 4,310.79 4,337.52 4,340.52
A. Financial corporations other than MFIs 28.93 29.17 26.46 32.33 35.32 33.37 37.41 42.38 49.96
A. Non-financial corporations, households and NPISHs 4,355.73 4,216.18 3,992.62 4,062.67 3,996.20 4,033.77 4,273.38 4,295.14 4,290.56
A.4.6 Other accounts receivable 838.82 1,388.48 625.54 620.60 900.69 1,427.92 803.68 663.64 718.45
A.4.6.1 Bank of Lithuania - 1.12 - - - 1.12 - - -
A.4.6.2 Other MFIs 516.86 441.17 299.07 299.07 649.24 586.58 437.02 339.81 275.06
A.4.6.3 General government 175.96 790.45 259.33 167.26 121.99 679.44 205.45 156.52 252.99
A.4.6.4 Other sectors 146.00 155.74 67.14 154.27 129.46 160.78 161.21 167.31 190.40
A. Financial corporations other than MFIs 19.93 21.78 60.70 149.81 123.84 140.53 129.95 131.38 154.98
A. Non-financial corporations, households and NPISHs 126.07 133.96 6.44 4.46 5.62 20.25 31.26 35.93 35.42
A.5 Reserve assets 5,314.11 5,034.44 5,676.11 5,408.05 5,554.12 5,602.47 5,066.90 5,473.87 5,571.43
A.5.1 Monetary gold 319.73 319.75 341.27 328.60 330.76 350.07 383.55 408.55 442.26
A.5.2 Special drawing rights 746.83 711.95 720.88 714.81 719.49 705.39 732.38 729.70 721.43
A.5.3 Reserve position in the IMF 137.82 140.23 147.28 145.77 147.65 144.71 145.31 139.26 137.34
A.5.4 Other reserve assets 4,109.73 3,862.51 4,466.68 4,218.87 4,356.22 4,402.30 3,805.66 4,196.36 4,270.40
A.5.4.1 Currency and deposits 486.72 555.83 682.31 546.68 618.39 589.91 453.73 258.79 208.07
A. Claims on monetary authorities, the IMF and the BIS 480.09 547.06 650.33 528.21 586.88 559.02 446.80 243.76 187.21
A. Claims on other entities 6.63 8.77 31.98 18.47 31.51 30.89 6.93 15.03 20.86
A.5.4.2 Securities 3,623.01 3,306.68 3,784.37 3,672.19 3,737.83 3,812.39 3,351.93 3,937.57 4,062.33
A. Debt securities 3,083.61 2,740.98 3,301.20 3,144.59 3,236.31 3,267.89 2,850.12 3,433.66 3,559.46
A. Short-term 0.00 0.00 105.52 9.09 122.06 58.43 125.10 130.99 115.50
A. Long-term 3,083.61 2,740.98 3,195.68 3,135.50 3,114.25 3,209.46 2,725.02 3,302.67 3,443.96
A. Equity and investment fund shares 539.40 565.70 483.17 527.60 501.52 544.50 501.81 503.91 502.87
A.5.4.3 Financial derivatives - - - - - - - - -
A.5.4.4 Other claims - - - - - - - - -
B. Liabilities 72,697.21 75,766.21 77,842.81 80,468.89 80,612.03 84,947.72 87,828.17 88,997.94 92,224.97
B.1 Direct investment 33,836.90 35,728.90 37,326.99 37,556.49 38,278.32 39,350.62 39,770.91 40,455.46 41,540.57
B.1.1 Equity 27,587.31 29,925.03 30,918.61 31,194.15 32,027.54 33,055.27 33,600.66 33,798.58 34,913.83
B.1.1.1 In direct investment enterprises 27,587.05 29,924.78 30,918.36 31,193.90 32,027.29 33,055.02 33,599.10 33,797.00 34,911.89
B.1.1.2 In direct investor - - - - - - - - -
B.1.1.3 Between fellow enterprises 0.26 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 1.56 1.58 1.94
B.1.2 Debt instruments 6,249.59 5,803.87 6,408.38 6,362.34 6,250.78 6,295.35 6,170.25 6,656.88 6,626.74
B.1.2.1 In direct investment enterprises 3,461.31 3,106.31 3,431.09 3,360.24 3,309.43 3,370.41 3,049.69 3,242.34 3,203.31
B.1.2.2 In direct investor 115.26 101.58 156.11 145.55 136.55 163.04 205.02 232.39 270.96
B.1.2.3 Between fellow enterprises 2,673.02 2,595.98 2,821.18 2,856.55 2,804.80 2,761.90 2,915.54 3,182.15 3,152.47
B.2 Portfolio investment 10,512.32 11,785.85 11,797.28 12,871.11 12,455.28 13,301.28 14,537.10 14,369.93 16,298.20
B.2.1 Equity and investment fund shares 683.23 741.99 781.26 769.25 773.68 775.18 842.92 836.45 841.80
B.2.1.1 Equity securities 404.58 441.09 464.35 444.69 436.17 418.19 411.89 383.56 382.83
B. Bank of Lithuania - - - - - - - - -
B. Other MFIs 81.27 105.52 103.00 93.46 94.96 95.67 98.37 77.46 82.05
B. General government - - - - - - - - -
B. Other sectors 323.31 335.57 361.35 351.23 341.21 322.52 313.52 306.10 300.78
B. Financial corporations other than MFIs 10.46 13.32 13.22 12.62 13.65 14.36 9.77 6.43 6.61
B. Non-financial corporations, households and NPISHs 312.85 322.25 348.13 338.61 327.56 308.16 303.75 299.67 294.17
B.2.1.2 Investment fund shares 278.65 300.90 316.91 324.56 337.51 356.99 431.03 452.89 458.97
B. Bank of Lithuania - - - - - - - - -
B. Other MFIs - - - - - - - - -
B. General government - - - - - - - - -
B. Other sectors 278.65 300.90 316.91 324.56 337.51 356.99 431.03 452.89 458.97
B. Financial corporations other than MFIs 278.65 300.90 316.91 324.56 337.51 356.99 431.03 452.89 458.97
B. Non-financial corporations, households and NPISHs - - - - - - - - -
B.2.2 Debt securities 9,829.09 11,043.86 11,016.02 12,101.86 11,681.60 12,526.10 13,694.18 13,533.48 15,456.40
B.2.2.1 Short-term 18.59 19.52 1.92 1.31 0.95 1.80 1.83 3.14 5.13
B. Bank of Lithuania - - - - - - - - -
B. Other MFIs - - - - - - - - -
B. General government - - - - - - - 0.10 1.38
B. Other sectors 18.59 19.52 1.92 1.31 0.95 1.80 1.83 3.04 3.75
B. Financial corporations other than MFIs 0.10 0.60 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00 - 1.40 1.40
B. Non-financial corporations, households and NPISHs 18.49 18.92 1.42 0.81 0.45 1.80 1.83 1.64 2.35
B.2.2.2 Long-term 9,810.50 11,024.34 11,014.10 12,100.55 11,680.65 12,524.30 13,692.35 13,530.34 15,451.27
B. Bank of Lithuania - - - - - - - - -
B. Other MFIs 54.12 112.07 113.02 139.63 141.27 177.01 182.88 190.87 462.14
B. General government 8,496.97 9,653.73 9,608.40 10,660.69 10,338.02 11,116.99 12,275.52 12,070.11 13,694.85
B. Other sectors 1,259.41 1,258.54 1,292.68 1,300.23 1,201.36 1,230.30 1,233.95 1,269.36 1,294.28
B. Financial corporations other than MFIs 1.43 1.37 12.49 17.19 19.49 18.88 22.00 37.66 44.38
B. Non-financial corporations, households and NPISHs 1,257.98 1,257.17 1,280.19 1,283.04 1,181.87 1,211.42 1,211.95 1,231.70 1,249.90
B.3 Financial derivatives and employee stock options 92.23 67.98 68.86 52.21 62.20 53.42 138.50 118.05 88.47
B.3.1 Bank of Lithuania 29.90 23.41 28.53 27.32 39.91 16.90 14.20 29.74 32.12
B.3.2 Other MFIs 52.73 39.48 39.43 24.26 19.78 35.56 124.10 87.07 56.29
B.3.3 General government - - - - - - - - -
B.3.4 Other sectors 9.60 5.09 0.90 0.63 2.51 0.96 0.20 1.24 0.06
B.3.4.1 Financial corporations other than MFIs 9.60 5.09 0.90 0.63 2.51 0.96 0.20 1.24 0.06
B.3.4.2 Non-financial corporations, households and NPISHs - - - - - - - - -
B.4 Other investment 28,255.76 28,183.48 28,649.68 29,989.08 29,816.23 32,242.40 33,381.66 34,054.50 34,297.73
B.4.1 Other equity - - - - - - - - -
B.4.2 Currency and deposits 15,269.68 15,603.34 15,354.92 15,611.78 15,334.92 15,664.30 16,032.51 16,813.26 16,282.49
B.4.2.1 Bank of Lithuania 4,464.05 3,886.82 3,692.76 3,474.80 3,296.97 3,395.90 3,252.79 2,899.79 2,464.62
B.4.2.2 Other MFIs 10,805.63 11,716.52 11,662.16 12,136.98 12,037.95 12,268.40 12,779.72 13,913.47 13,817.87
B.4.2.3 General government - - - - - - - - -
B.4.2.4 Other sectors - - - - - - - - -
B. Financial corporations other than MFIs - - - - - - - - -
B. Non-financial corporations, households and NPISHs - - - - - - - - -
B.4.3 Loans 6,185.37 6,199.61 6,246.87 6,381.02 6,363.00 6,931.70 7,276.68 7,128.50 7,141.31
B.4.3.1 Bank of Lithuania - - - - - - - - -
B. Credit and loans with IMF (other than reserves) - - - - - - - - -
B. Short-term - - - - - - - - -
B. Long-term - - - - - - - - -
B.4.3.2 Other MFIs - - - - - - - - -
B. Short-term - - - - - - - - -
B. Long-term - - - - - - - - -
B.4.3.3 General government 4,215.60 4,314.41 4,380.76 4,322.57 4,309.48 4,750.73 5,119.53 4,997.60 4,995.73
B. Credit and loans with IMF (other than reserves) - - - - - - - - -
B. Short-term - - - - - - - - -
B. Long-term 4,215.60 4,314.41 4,380.76 4,322.57 4,309.48 4,750.73 5,119.53 4,997.60 4,995.73
B.4.3.4 Other sectors 1,969.77 1,885.20 1,866.11 2,058.45 2,053.52 2,180.97 2,157.15 2,130.90 2,145.58
B. Short-term 197.81 192.46 192.63 295.34 264.02 215.26 216.78 216.69 218.67
B. Long-term 1,771.96 1,692.74 1,673.48 1,763.11 1,789.50 1,965.71 1,940.37 1,914.21 1,926.91
B. Financial corporations other than MFIs 370.90 382.66 366.71 362.92 374.93 399.14 414.38 325.48 329.36
B. Short-term 118.27 112.67 105.06 98.06 90.54 85.24 85.24 85.24 86.19
B. Long-term 252.63 269.99 261.65 264.86 284.39 313.90 329.14 240.24 243.17
B. Non-financial corporations, households and NPISHs 1,598.87 1,502.54 1,499.40 1,695.53 1,678.59 1,781.83 1,742.77 1,805.42 1,816.22
B. Short-term 79.54 79.79 87.57 197.28 173.48 130.02 131.54 131.45 132.48
B. Long-term 1,519.33 1,422.75 1,411.83 1,498.25 1,505.11 1,651.81 1,611.23 1,673.97 1,683.74
B.4.4 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantee schemes 58.82 60.11 71.11 70.82 73.68 79.06 90.76 95.06 91.82
B.4.4.1 Bank of Lithuania - - - - - - - - -
B.4.4.2 Other MFIs - - - - - - - - -
B.4.4.3 General government - - - - - - - - -
B.4.4.4 Other sectors 58.82 60.11 71.11 70.82 73.68 79.06 90.76 95.06 91.82
B. Financial corporations other than MFIs 58.82 60.11 71.11 70.82 73.68 79.06 90.76 95.06 91.82
B. Non-financial corporations, households and NPISHs - - - - - - - - -
B.4.5 Trade credits and advances 3,780.67 3,746.81 3,757.23 3,838.40 3,747.62 3,813.68 3,778.68 3,755.18 3,858.72
B.4.5.1 Bank of Lithuania - - - - - - - - -
B.4.5.2 Other MFIs 30.70 23.26 13.40 0.47 1.15 0.82 0.61 0.77 2.18
B.4.5.3 General government 4.04 4.35 7.07 10.22 10.78 7.82 11.70 11.54 8.36
B.4.5.4 Other sectors 3,745.93 3,719.20 3,736.76 3,827.71 3,735.69 3,805.04 3,766.37 3,742.87 3,848.18
B. Financial corporations other than MFIs 76.28 76.65 16.96 15.90 15.17 18.36 39.23 40.24 35.44
B. Non-financial corporations, households and NPISHs 3,669.65 3,642.55 3,719.80 3,811.81 3,720.52 3,786.68 3,727.14 3,702.63 3,812.74
B.4.6 Other accounts payable 2,225.80 1,872.04 2,526.05 3,400.68 3,601.78 5,072.27 5,516.15 5,573.99 6,244.35
B.4.6.1 Bank of Lithuania - - - - - - - - -
B.4.6.2 Other MFIs 360.97 249.19 902.87 1,063.08 1,297.10 2,824.94 3,229.17 3,116.74 3,935.95
B.4.6.3 General government 1,807.51 1,566.86 1,499.72 2,160.74 2,108.76 2,051.90 1,916.97 2,056.70 1,866.02
B.4.6.4 Other sectors 57.32 55.99 123.46 176.86 195.92 195.43 370.01 400.55 442.38
B. Financial corporations other than MFIs 44.61 47.08 107.66 161.13 173.22 163.98 325.41 363.63 400.24
B. Non-financial corporations, households and NPISHs 12.71 8.91 15.80 15.73 22.70 31.45 44.60 36.92 42.14
B.4.7 Special drawing rights 735.42 701.57 693.50 686.38 695.23 681.39 686.88 688.51 679.04
Last update: 24-04-2017