Bank of Lithuania

Non-consolidated data on financial assets and liabilities of institutional sectors by financial instrument and net lending or net borrowing (transactions in financial assets minus transactions in liabilities).

Transactions during the period – in EUR millions.

Data type

Period: 2023

sorting sorting Total economy sorting Non-financial corporations sorting Financial corporations sorting General government sorting Households1 sorting Rest of the world
Assets 22,866.13 6,646.77 9,544.40 2,213.08 4,461.89 8,735.37
Monetary gold and special drawing rights 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
Currency and deposits 6,436.42 132.45 2,973.66 1,795.55 1,534.77 −67.28
Currency 8.29 10.56 −10.08 0.00 7.81 −102.14
Transferable deposits 895.70 −2,083.70 3,884.78 1,605.51 −2,510.88 −1,088.65
Other deposits 5,532.43 2,205.59 −901.04 190.04 4,037.84 1,123.51
Debt securities 1,898.92 519.59 648.64 363.62 367.08 1,098.52
Short-term 874.39 175.08 657.36 −11.87 53.82 −21.33
Long-term 1,024.53 344.51 −8.72 375.49 313.26 1,119.85
Loans 6,207.81 2,317.32 3,551.67 338.70 0.12 1,188.61
Short-term 1,264.96 884.99 379.89 0.00 0.07 296.10
Long-term 4,942.85 1,432.33 3,171.77 338.70 0.05 892.51
Equity and investment fund shares or units 2,437.72 1,281.24 1,783.75 −14.47 −612.79 3,024.63
Listed shares 154.91 13.69 48.63 0.00 92.60 −35.28
Unlisted shares 752.18 1,067.07 445.52 −2.17 −758.24 2,754.86
Other equity 33.26 5.10 2.31 14.64 11.21 268.48
Investment fund shares or units 1,497.37 195.38 1,287.28 −26.94 41.64 36.57
Insurance, pension and standardised guaranteed schemes 905.54 78.93 −2.79 1.26 828.14 14.28
Non-life insurance technical reserves 34.89 78.93 −2.81 1.26 −42.50 0.54
Life insurance and annuity entitlements 162.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 162.52 0.15
Pension entitlements 708.11 - 0.00 0.00 708.11 13.59
Provisions for calls under standardised guarantees 0.02 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
Financial derivatives and employee stock options −249.61 −27.06 −222.55 0.00 0.00 −168.46
Financial derivatives −249.61 −27.06 −222.55 0.00 0.00 −168.46
Other accounts receivable 5,229.33 2,344.30 812.03 −271.58 2,344.58 3,645.06
Trade credits and advances 2,112.41 1,189.75 −38.04 −0.42 961.12 422.29
Other accounts receivable 3,116.92 1,154.54 850.07 −271.16 1,383.46 3,222.77
Liabilities 19,290.38 3,463.20 9,053.81 2,637.19 4,136.18 12,311.18
Monetary gold and special drawing rights 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
Currency and deposits 1,119.51 0.00 944.85 174.66 - 5,249.65
Currency −88.66 - −88.66 0.00 - −5.18
Transferable deposits −5,540.29 0.00 −5,540.29 0.00 - 5,347.36
Other deposits 6,748.46 0.00 6,573.80 174.66 - −92.53
Debt securities 1,373.29 −208.76 197.71 1,384.33 0.00 1,624.17
Short-term −31.18 −34.26 3.08 0.00 0.00 884.25
Long-term 1,404.47 −174.50 194.63 1,384.33 0.00 739.92
Loans 4,916.84 3,450.07 7.97 484.94 973.86 2,479.58
Short-term −174.75 278.00 −500.85 7.19 40.91 1,735.81
Long-term 5,091.59 3,172.07 508.82 477.75 932.95 743.77
Equity and investment fund shares or units 2,161.22 −277.02 2,438.24 0.00 0.00 3,301.13
Listed shares 35.85 0.63 35.22 0.00 0.00 83.78
Unlisted shares 1,556.34 −409.85 1,966.19 0.00 0.00 1,950.69
Other equity 266.42 132.20 134.22 0.00 0.00 35.31
Investment fund shares or units 302.60 - 302.60 0.00 - 1,231.34
Insurance, pension and standardised guaranteed schemes 916.52 0.00 905.63 10.89 0.00 3.31
Ne gyvybės draudimo techniniai atidėjiniai 32.12 0.00 32.12 0.00 - 3.31
Gyvybės draudimo ir anuiteto teisės 162.67 - 162.67 0.00 - 0.00
Turtas pensijų fonduose 721.71 0.00 710.84 10.87 0.00 0.00
Standartinių garantijų atidėjiniai 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.02 - 0.00
Financial derivatives and employee stock options −193.44 4.23 −197.67 0.00 0.00 −224.63
Financial derivatives −193.44 4.23 −197.67 0.00 0.00 −224.63
Other accounts payable 8,996.42 494.68 4,757.05 582.37 3,162.32 −122.03
Trade credits and advances 2,834.76 370.69 137.52 −15.78 2,342.33 −300.06
Other accounts payable 6,161.66 123.99 4,619.52 598.15 819.99 178.03
Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) 3,575.75 3,183.56 490.59 −424.11 325.70 −3,575.81
Last update: 07-09-2021