Bank of Lithuania

Contribution of Lithuania to euro area monetary aggregate components.

Outstanding amounts at the end of the period and transactions during the period – in EUR millions.

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Data type

Measurement units: Euro (millions)

sorting sorting M1 sorting M2-M1 sorting M3-M2
sorting Currency in circulation sorting Overnight deposits sorting Deposits with agreed maturity up to 2 years sorting Deposits redeemable at notice up to 3 months sorting Repurchase agreements sorting MMF units/shares sorting Debt securities up to 2 years
sorting 1 sorting Total sorting In euro sorting In foreign currencies sorting Total sorting In euro1 sorting In foreign currencies sorting Total sorting In euro sorting In foreign currencies sorting 11 sorting 12 sorting 13
sorting 2=3+4 sorting 3 sorting 4 sorting 5=6+7 sorting 6 sorting 7 sorting 8=9+10 sorting 9 sorting 10
08/2023 7,964.8 34,401.8 32,517.0 1,884.8 7,671.3 7,401.6 269.7 272.3 267.8 4.6 0.0 - −131.5
09/2023 7,968.5 33,954.1 32,100.7 1,853.5 8,051.6 7,771.2 280.4 270.1 264.7 5.4 0.0 - −134.0
10/2023 7,926.3 33,391.8 31,765.5 1,626.3 8,429.1 8,163.1 266.0 269.3 260.9 8.5 0.0 - −133.8
11/2023 7,904.0 33,456.9 31,837.0 1,619.9 8,786.3 8,539.2 247.2 278.5 273.2 5.3 0.0 - −131.4
12/2023 8,010.5 34,722.8 33,153.9 1,568.9 8,963.6 8,719.8 243.8 291.0 286.3 4.7 0.0 - −130.6
01/2024 8,128.5 34,133.6 32,539.4 1,594.2 9,231.1 8,995.3 235.7 297.4 292.8 4.6 0.0 - −102.3
02/2024 8,133.5 34,216.2 32,600.9 1,615.3 9,428.5 9,192.9 235.6 302.3 297.0 5.3 0.0 - −102.5
03/2024 8,131.4 34,422.8 32,799.9 1,622.9 9,505.0 9,271.4 233.5 302.3 295.9 6.3 0.0 - −82.9
04/2024 8,119.4 34,291.3 32,708.4 1,582.9 9,553.3 9,330.2 223.1 298.6 292.5 6.2 0.0 - −83.5
05/2024 8,128.5 35,101.5 33,485.2 1,616.3 9,656.2 9,431.4 224.7 307.7 300.1 7.6 0.0 - −82.0
06/2024 8,170.2 35,147.7 33,522.7 1,625.0 9,819.6 9,585.6 234.0 291.6 283.4 8.2 0.0 - −83.2
07/2024 8,167.3 35,157.4 33,476.4 1,680.9 9,845.8 9,611.4 234.4 292.3 284.7 7.7 0.0 - −82.4
08/2024 8,175.0 35,633.9 33,928.2 1,705.7 9,904.5 9,653.7 250.8 301.1 292.7 8.5 0.0 - −0.5
Last update: 18-04-2017