Bank of Lithuania

Economic operations (transactions) of domestic institutional units (resident) and foreign institutional units (non-resident) during the reporting month at market value.

Transactions during the period – in EUR millions.

To see charts, please add indicators from table

Measurement units: Euro (millions)

sorting sorting 11/2023 sorting 12/2023 sorting 01/2024 sorting 02/2024 sorting 03/2024 sorting 04/2024 sorting 05/2024 sorting 06/2024 sorting 07/2024 sorting 08/2024 sorting 09/2024 sorting 10/2024 sorting 11/2024
I. Current account  
Credit 5,209.23 5,009.19 4,694.73 4,857.31 5,142.78 5,134.64 5,314.78 5,223.45 5,201.45 5,383.66 5,577.12 5,528.81 4,968.47
Debit 5,227.62 4,863.20 4,602.94 4,565.50 4,850.69 5,182.16 5,110.45 4,757.01 5,359.40 5,197.81 5,106.44 5,023.25 4,973.48
Balance −18.39 145.99 91.79 291.81 292.09 −47.52 204.33 466.44 −157.95 185.85 470.68 505.56 −5.01
1. Goods  
Exports (Credit) 3,125.41 2,683.42 2,950.91 2,832.98 2,913.09 3,057.83 3,097.59 2,819.17 2,977.47 3,123.21 3,216.66 3,149.03 3,012.46
Imports (Debit) 3,621.83 2,987.98 3,208.85 3,116.97 3,243.46 3,388.74 3,406.68 3,230.08 3,626.53 3,414.43 3,345.33 3,573.66 3,398.03
Balance −496.42 −304.56 −257.94 −283.99 −330.37 −330.91 −309.09 −410.91 −649.06 −291.22 −128.67 −424.63 −385.57
2. Services  
Credit 1,750.61 1,810.61 1,452.86 1,715.37 1,808.48 1,688.60 1,871.23 2,038.78 1,841.56 1,927.69 1,995.66 1,776.34 1,529.44
Debit 1,249.62 1,187.59 909.83 985.73 1,037.35 1,107.32 1,109.66 1,082.16 1,093.16 1,249.57 1,144.68 1,013.30 1,044.97
Balance 500.99 623.02 543.03 729.64 771.13 581.28 761.57 956.62 748.40 678.12 850.98 763.04 484.47
3. Primary income  
Credit 238.98 355.46 179.59 186.16 279.12 249.32 216.29 235.47 244.28 222.58 242.52 453.99 263.37
Debit 258.61 517.16 344.40 302.22 405.66 517.46 425.51 313.36 493.49 388.73 478.86 327.28 396.00
Balance −19.63 −161.70 −164.81 −116.06 −126.54 −268.14 −209.22 −77.89 −249.21 −166.15 −236.34 126.71 −132.63
3.1 Compensation of employees  
Credit 4.42 12.12 5.51 5.70 5.90 10.15 13.53 10.36 10.31 9.07 11.36 7.03 8.07
Debit 12.60 12.72 11.61 12.77 13.10 11.85 12.68 11.59 12.97 13.75 13.10 10.17 11.19
Balance −8.18 −0.60 −6.10 −7.07 −7.20 −1.70 0.85 −1.23 −2.66 −4.68 −1.74 −3.14 −3.12
3.2 Investment income  
Credit 181.71 228.14 151.55 164.19 218.81 171.57 188.21 212.35 227.76 209.08 224.76 147.90 196.97
Debit 236.67 493.29 321.19 281.36 383.73 497.14 403.01 292.28 470.81 368.06 453.01 305.20 372.95
Balance −54.96 −265.15 −169.64 −117.17 −164.92 −325.57 −214.80 −79.93 −243.05 −158.98 −228.25 −157.30 −175.98
3.2.1 Direct investment  
Credit 54.34 56.30 19.13 30.29 19.64 18.03 19.55 21.47 48.10 43.33 50.65 15.87 33.16
Debit 164.64 415.88 246.80 202.84 304.35 403.95 308.24 212.24 385.78 272.86 365.31 236.34 296.77
Balance −110.30 −359.58 −227.67 −172.55 −284.71 −385.92 −288.69 −190.77 −337.68 −229.53 −314.66 −220.47 −263.61 Equity  
Credit 47.23 48.92 10.46 21.94 10.87 6.68 8.08 10.25 33.10 28.31 35.72 10.31 27.91
Debit 150.84 402.69 233.54 190.13 291.11 391.40 295.26 199.39 371.95 258.99 351.67 225.87 287.36
Balance −103.61 −353.77 −223.08 −168.19 −280.24 −384.72 −287.18 −189.14 −338.85 −230.68 −315.95 −215.56 −259.45 Debt instruments  
Credit 7.11 7.38 8.67 8.35 8.77 11.35 11.47 11.22 15.00 15.02 14.93 5.56 5.25
Debit 13.80 13.19 13.26 12.71 13.24 12.55 12.98 12.85 13.83 13.87 13.64 10.47 9.41
Balance −6.69 −5.81 −4.59 −4.36 −4.47 −1.20 −1.51 −1.63 1.17 1.15 1.29 −4.91 −4.16
3.2.2 Portfolio investment  
Credit 32.69 27.33 36.92 36.82 40.79 42.92 38.96 44.94 50.70 48.45 56.36 26.41 24.95
Debit 22.68 24.39 22.87 26.10 26.97 39.73 32.54 26.90 34.25 37.26 32.06 37.65 40.66
Balance 10.01 2.94 14.05 10.72 13.82 3.19 6.42 18.04 16.45 11.19 24.30 −11.24 −15.71 Equity and investment fund shares  
Credit 12.31 13.68 17.84 18.22 26.61 23.52 22.73 24.67 32.06 25.72 34.13 1.31 1.46
Debit 0.04 0.75 0.08 0.00 0.02 13.19 4.89 0.02 3.04 5.61 0.02 3.86 7.81
Balance 12.27 12.93 17.76 18.22 26.59 10.33 17.84 24.65 29.02 20.11 34.11 −2.55 −6.35 Debt securities  
Credit 20.38 13.65 19.08 18.60 14.18 19.40 16.23 20.27 18.64 22.73 22.23 25.10 23.49
Debit 22.64 23.64 22.79 26.10 26.95 26.54 27.65 26.88 31.21 31.65 32.04 33.79 32.85
Balance −2.26 −9.99 −3.71 −7.50 −12.77 −7.14 −11.42 −6.61 −12.57 −8.92 −9.81 −8.69 −9.36
3.2.3 Other investment  
Credit 73.36 123.19 84.88 85.55 144.52 97.43 106.72 129.15 116.64 96.87 104.30 93.65 118.71
Debit 49.35 53.02 51.52 52.42 52.41 53.46 62.23 53.14 50.78 57.94 55.64 31.21 35.52
Balance 24.01 70.17 33.36 33.13 92.11 43.97 44.49 76.01 65.86 38.93 48.66 62.44 83.19
3.2.4 Reserve assets  
Credit 21.32 21.32 10.62 11.53 13.86 13.19 22.98 16.79 12.32 20.43 13.45 11.97 20.15
3.3 Other primary income  
Credit 52.85 115.20 22.53 16.27 54.41 67.60 14.55 12.76 6.21 4.43 6.40 299.06 58.33
Debit 9.34 11.15 11.60 8.09 8.83 8.47 9.82 9.49 9.71 6.92 12.75 11.91 11.86
Balance 43.51 104.05 10.93 8.18 45.58 59.13 4.73 3.27 −3.50 −2.49 −6.35 287.15 46.47
4. Secondary income  
Credit 94.23 159.70 111.37 122.80 142.09 138.89 129.67 130.03 138.14 110.18 122.28 149.45 163.20
Debit 97.56 170.47 139.86 160.58 164.22 168.64 168.60 131.41 146.22 145.08 137.57 109.01 134.48
Balance −3.33 −10.77 −28.49 −37.78 −22.13 −29.75 −38.93 −1.38 −8.08 −34.90 −15.29 40.44 28.72
II. Capital account  
Credit 153.37 287.66 28.17 54.23 154.71 77.60 86.28 80.09 88.66 53.15 69.60 122.46 146.07
Debit 8.87 16.87 0.00 0.00 6.81 0.00 0.00 8.75 0.00 0.00 5.97 0.00 0.00
Balance 144.50 270.79 28.17 54.23 147.90 77.60 86.28 71.34 88.66 53.15 63.63 122.46 146.07
III. Financial account −401.32 542.56 22.90 −214.32 40.90 1,229.10 305.84 1,094.72 −844.97 291.42 884.72 88.45 −14.62
1. Direct investment −328.17 −202.33 −471.32 −208.51 88.45 −143.13 −270.03 −367.97 −512.26 −142.58 −148.38 −237.12 −109.85
1.1 Net acquisition of assets 60.72 12.34 −65.59 −111.09 −155.03 44.58 −36.87 −76.43 −25.16 136.79 216.17 −50.44 93.00
1.1.1 Equity 55.93 40.56 −14.63 −50.90 −50.39 12.41 −16.53 −73.28 −9.87 33.75 73.14 11.36 51.78 Other MFIs - - - - - - - - - - - - - Other sectors 55.93 40.56 −14.63 −50.90 −50.39 12.41 −16.53 −73.28 −9.87 33.75 73.14 11.36 51.78
1.1.2 Debt instruments 4.79 −28.22 −50.96 −60.19 −104.64 32.17 −20.34 −3.15 −15.29 103.04 143.03 −61.80 41.22 Other MFIs - - - - - - - - - - - - - Other sectors 4.79 −28.22 −50.96 −60.19 −104.64 32.17 −20.34 −3.15 −15.29 103.04 143.03 −61.80 41.22
1.2 Net incurrence of liabilities 388.89 214.67 405.73 97.42 −243.48 187.71 233.16 291.54 487.10 279.37 364.55 186.68 202.85
1.2.1 Equity 211.68 422.15 281.10 264.86 −177.59 109.26 −15.84 127.80 437.34 331.00 398.64 180.92 100.72 Other MFIs 9.27 100.98 73.94 15.76 −386.87 96.54 22.64 79.40 203.37 150.07 154.10 90.57 21.85 Other sectors 202.41 321.17 207.16 249.10 209.28 12.72 −38.48 48.40 233.97 180.93 244.54 90.35 78.87
1.2.2 Debt instruments 177.21 −207.48 124.63 −167.44 −65.89 78.45 249.00 163.74 49.76 −51.63 −34.09 5.76 102.13 Other MFIs - - - - - - - - - - - - - Other sectors 177.21 −207.48 124.63 −167.44 −65.89 78.45 249.00 163.74 49.76 −51.63 −34.09 5.76 102.13
2. Portfolio investment −678.66 165.26 261.24 −1,344.57 −120.49 55.52 −28.93 −147.69 −1,089.36 499.40 764.05 −168.72 153.62
2.1 Net acquisition of assets −620.30 227.87 −139.98 210.02 −66.36 3.08 8.84 −277.73 −30.97 606.08 1,135.12 −187.70 208.00
2.1.1 Equity and investment fund shares −67.54 42.26 206.61 220.07 28.21 88.52 −41.42 280.16 −193.56 210.86 397.16 −351.49 139.68 Bank of Lithuania - - −17.41 84.75 - −52.10 - - - −11.53 - - 1.39 Other MFIs −0.03 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.10 −0.13 0.01 −0.04 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 General government 1.63 1.00 - 0.98 - 1.10 - −0.37 1.03 0.85 1.42 0.51 0.52 Other sectors −69.14 41.26 224.01 134.34 28.19 139.42 −41.29 280.52 −194.55 221.54 395.74 −352.01 137.76
2.1.2 Debt securities −552.76 185.61 −346.59 −10.05 −94.57 −85.44 50.26 −557.89 162.59 395.22 737.96 163.79 68.32 Short-term 26.39 −7.79 −41.86 −105.71 −28.52 67.34 −155.17 −50.99 15.95 35.94 143.88 −25.05 −11.50 Bank of Lithuania - - - - - - - - - - - - - Other MFIs −22.25 −38.84 −15.48 −54.71 −5.71 8.04 −156.82 −90.70 −10.33 −11.21 −3.40 −10.69 10.26 General government - - - - −0.30 0.59 - - 50.09 −0.01 52.81 55.41 - Other sectors 48.64 31.05 −26.38 −51.00 −22.51 58.71 1.65 39.71 −23.81 47.16 94.47 −69.77 −21.76 Long-term −579.15 193.40 −304.73 95.66 −66.05 −152.78 205.43 −506.90 146.64 359.28 594.08 188.84 79.82 Bank of Lithuania −837.33 −62.54 11.09 −47.77 −54.94 −168.75 −7.95 −0.89 2.69 3.64 −67.52 −18.33 −17.98 Other MFIs 216.11 143.72 12.96 −3.98 −14.38 40.52 269.29 −861.30 217.54 276.02 585.26 259.17 111.03 General government −9.60 13.79 −34.73 7.51 −34.98 −35.92 −1.38 −28.65 −10.22 2.44 25.67 −22.44 −18.33 Other sectors 51.67 98.43 −294.05 139.90 38.25 11.37 −54.53 383.94 −63.37 77.18 50.67 −29.56 5.10
2.2 Net incurrence of liabilities 58.36 62.61 −401.22 1,554.59 54.13 −52.44 37.77 −130.04 1,058.39 106.68 371.07 −18.98 54.38
2.2.1 Equity and investment fund shares −37.40 11.91 −11.35 7.32 2.11 22.60 20.91 −57.92 −11.16 21.82 −16.61 −41.58 −6.05 Bank of Lithuania - - - - - - - - - - - - - Other MFIs −8.65 1.27 0.05 0.30 0.54 5.86 −16.23 −8.22 1.60 −0.02 −0.32 0.08 −0.78 General government - - - - - - - - - - - - - Other sectors −28.75 10.64 −11.40 7.02 1.57 16.74 37.14 −49.70 −12.76 21.84 −16.29 −41.66 −5.27
2.2.2 Debt securities 95.76 50.70 −389.87 1,547.27 52.02 −75.04 16.86 −72.12 1,069.55 84.86 387.68 22.60 60.43 Short-term 0.94 −0.52 0.02 0.00 0.00 −0.16 −0.01 0.07 0.03 −0.03 2.01 −0.35 −1.13 Bank of Lithuania - - - - - - - - - - - - - Other MFIs - - - - - - - - - - - - - General government 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.12 1.17 0.02 0.00 Other sectors 0.94 −0.52 0.02 0.00 0.00 −0.19 −0.01 0.00 0.03 −0.15 0.84 −0.37 −1.13 Long-term 94.82 51.22 −389.89 1,547.27 52.02 −74.88 16.87 −72.19 1,069.52 84.89 385.67 22.95 61.56 Bank of Lithuania - - - - - - - - - - - - - Other MFIs 7.69 28.00 3.03 1.60 −0.02 0.00 −0.02 7.96 −1.27 −5.01 275.97 −69.89 −4.08 General government 99.69 30.90 −329.26 1,509.76 24.08 −81.91 14.98 −85.86 1,065.66 89.45 105.55 89.68 47.90 Other sectors −12.56 −7.68 −63.66 35.91 27.96 7.03 1.91 5.71 5.13 0.45 4.15 3.16 17.74
3. Financial derivatives and employee stock options −12.05 −9.78 −6.20 −2.53 −5.31 2.09 −4.75 −3.70 −7.45 −9.28 −9.67 6.20 1.41
3.1 Net acquisition of assets −20.74 −19.49 −14.77 −15.37 −16.48 −11.21 −18.41 −13.69 −17.19 −24.71 −22.14 −11.73 −17.38
3.2 Net incurrence of liabilities −8.69 −9.71 −8.57 −12.84 −11.17 −13.30 −13.66 −9.99 −9.74 −15.43 −12.47 −17.93 −18.79
4. Other investment 590.11 581.63 316.05 1,809.23 86.97 1,146.22 435.64 1,564.35 690.55 −97.59 281.88 523.22 −83.13
4.1 Net acquisition of assets 2,029.19 1,016.47 −72.53 2,147.63 1,020.76 1,079.57 799.80 1,913.29 333.91 330.39 539.94 1,029.22 1,694.84
4.1.1 Bank of Lithuania 2,217.51 725.18 −295.70 2,168.28 −174.46 −518.76 1,160.71 447.81 −553.68 −101.17 −459.70 −807.41 1,307.71
4.1.2 Other MFIs −399.80 −104.67 494.82 48.89 1,194.65 1,419.01 −534.06 1,714.95 742.48 521.37 672.39 1,346.77 318.04
4.1.3 General government 199.64 357.98 −300.56 −104.56 −77.68 92.20 116.59 −313.35 221.19 −240.62 160.82 510.38 −60.12
4.1.4 Other sectors 11.84 37.98 28.91 35.02 78.25 87.12 56.56 63.88 −76.08 150.81 166.43 −20.52 129.21
4.2 Net incurrence of liabilities 1,439.08 434.84 −388.58 338.40 933.79 −66.65 364.16 348.94 −356.64 427.98 258.06 506.00 1,777.97
4.2.1 Bank of Lithuania 3.46 155.01 −201.32 −91.33 151.93 −174.62 −114.57 −65.60 −300.48 −0.82 −122.95 −46.93 −21.09
4.2.2 Other MFIs 831.92 289.94 75.43 327.19 521.09 345.26 504.33 180.39 −49.19 426.02 332.99 583.97 1,261.98
4.2.3 General government 38.89 381.41 −103.91 −20.25 361.95 −57.53 −41.24 116.41 −92.27 −0.37 −22.25 −30.20 −4.54
4.2.4 Other sectors 564.81 −391.52 −158.78 122.79 −101.18 −179.76 15.64 117.74 85.30 3.15 70.27 −0.84 541.62
5. Reserve assets 27.45 7.78 −76.87 −467.94 −8.72 168.40 173.91 49.73 73.55 41.47 −3.16 −35.13 23.33
5.1 Monetary gold - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5.2 Special drawing rights 0.26 - - 1.70 19.58 −6.15 1.73 - - 1.79 - - 1.68
5.3 Reserve position in the IMF - - −0.56 - - −1.08 - −5.32 - - - - 0.01
5.4 Other reserve assets 27.19 7.78 −76.31 −469.64 −28.30 175.63 172.18 55.05 73.55 39.68 −3.16 −35.13 21.64
5.4.1 Currency and deposits −54.84 −14.79 14.24 −49.33 −73.74 −1.65 −118.92 −80.76 14.11 7.46 −77.31 −20.49 48.23 Claims on monetary authorities, the IMF and the BIS −53.87 −17.26 27.89 −41.37 −70.79 −24.85 −111.76 −72.84 21.03 8.07 −91.27 −9.37 42.15 Claims on other entities −0.97 2.47 −13.65 −7.96 −2.95 23.20 −7.16 −7.92 −6.92 −0.61 13.96 −11.12 6.08
5.4.2 Securities 82.03 22.57 −90.55 −420.31 45.44 177.28 291.10 135.81 59.44 32.22 74.15 −14.64 −26.59 Debt securities 48.61 47.94 −71.31 −423.65 78.90 189.28 264.73 152.97 76.99 35.05 73.16 −6.14 −20.15 Short-term −16.01 −24.18 175.91 −150.05 39.21 −12.88 66.34 −46.65 −29.79 0.99 11.99 0.68 −62.93 Long-term 64.62 72.12 −247.22 −273.60 39.69 202.16 198.39 199.62 106.78 34.06 61.17 −6.82 42.78 Equity and investment fund shares 33.42 −25.37 −19.24 3.34 −33.46 −12.00 26.37 −17.16 −17.55 −2.83 0.99 −8.50 −6.44
5.4.3 Financial derivatives - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5.4.4 Other claims - - - - - - - - - - - - -
IV. Net errors and omissions −527.43 125.78 −97.06 −560.36 −399.09 1,199.02 15.23 556.94 −775.68 52.42 350.41 −539.57 −155.68
Last update: 07-04-2017