Bank of Lithuania
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The Bank of Lithuania is conducting a survey to meet the needs of data users. We kindly invite you to express your opinion on the data published on the Bank of Lithuania website. 

“As a data-centric organisation which responds to changing trends in data management and processing and implements the Open Data Initiative, our goal is to understand users. The analysis of the data user profile provides an opportunity to assess the next developments in the dissemination of data and statistics,” says Asta Žilienė, Head of the Data and Statistics Dissemination Division of the Bank of Lithuania.

The aim of this survey is to know our data user better. We want to find out what kind of data you are looking for, what ways or formats of data presentation would be more accessible to you, and for what purpose you use it. All responses will be confidential. The aggregated results will be published on the Bank of Lithuania website and used to improve the provision of data to users according to their expressed needs.

Thank you for your time and insights, and we look forward to a close cooperation!