Bank of Lithuania

The Bank of Lithuania announces an open tender for the design of plaster models for the national side (front) of euro coins.

The tender provides for the design of three different plaster models: the first for 1, 2, and 5 euro cent coins; the second for 10, 20 and 50 euro cent coins; the third for 1 and 2 euro coins. The following elements are compulsory: a modified symbol of the national emblem Vytis, inscriptions “LIETUVA” and “2007”, 12 stars surrounding the centre (Vytis) taking into account the coins designed by the countries of the Economic and Monetary Union, and the mintmark of the state enterprise Lithuanian Mint.

The terms of the tender have been prepared in accordance with the description of the procedure for the design of these plaster models approved by the Board of the Bank of Lithuania, taking into account the long traditions of minting Lithuanian coins and the decision to incorporate, in the future Lithuanian euro coins, a modified image of the national emblem Vytis based on public opinion surveys.

Concerning the terms of the open tender for the design of plaster models for the national side (front) of euro coins please contact the Currency Production Division, Cash Department, Bank of Lithuania, tel.: 268 03 16, 268 03 26.