Bank of Lithuania
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In July 2015 the Bank of Lithuania’s holdings of debt securities, issued by euro area residents, and loans to euro area residents increased by EUR 255.5 million and EUR 61.3 million respectively. At the end of the month these indicators amounted to EUR 2.1 billion and EUR 653.4 million respectively. Euro area resident deposits held at the bank of Lithuania decreased by EUR 1.1 billion, and at the end of July amounted to EUR 1.8 billion. In July the loans of other monetary financial institutions (MFIs) to Lithuanian residents, excluding MFIs, increased by EUR 56.5 million and amounted to EUR 17.0 billion at the end of the month. The deposits of Lithuanian residents, excluding MFIs, with other MFIs increased by EUR 57.0 million and amounted to EUR 16.1 billion at the end of the month. Loans of other MFIs to Lithuanian resident households for house purchase, consumption and other purposes increased by EUR 41.4 million, EUR 6.4 million and EUR 16.2 million respectively.

The above data was released by the Statistics Department of the Bank of Lithuania.

For more information on Survey of Balance Sheet of Monetary Financial Institutions see the Bank of Lithuania Statistical release (23.1 KB download icon). Comprehensive data is presented on the website of the Bank of Lithuania.