Bank of Lithuania

International Reserves of April 2002 At the end of April 2002, international reserves made up LTL 6,900.0 million (USD 1,802.5 million, EUR 1,998.4 million). In the course of one month they increased by LTL 24.4 million, or 0.4 percent. Bank of Lithuania operations with non-residents pushed the international reserves up, while the reducing factor was operations with commercial banks and central government institutions. The main reason behind a USD 170.4 million increase was the Bank of Lithuania repo transactions with non-residents, while the decline of LTL 63.9 million and LTL 78.1 million was determined by net anchor currency sale to commercial banks and operations with central government institutions, respectively.

At the end of April 2002, international reserves made up LTL 6,900.0 million (USD 1,802.5 million, EUR 1,998.4 million). In the course of one month they increased by LTL 24.4 million, or 0.4 percent.

Bank of Lithuania operations with non-residents pushed the international reserves up, while the reducing factor was operations with commercial banks and central government institutions. The main reason behind a USD 170.4 million increase was the Bank of Lithuania repo transactions with non-residents, while the decline of LTL 63.9 million and LTL 78.1 million was determined by net anchor currency sale to commercial banks and operations with central government institutions, respectively.