Lithuania’s financial accounts for Q2 2018
The financial accounts data for Q2 2018 published today shows that total household financial assets amounted to €40.5 billion at the end of Q2 2018 and their annual growth rate was 5.5%. Household assets in pension funds increased by 12.3% over the year and at the end of the quarter stood at €3.2 billion, which accounted for 7.9% of total financial assets.
At the end of Q2 2018, the assets of pension funds were invested in investment fund shares (€1.8 billion or 55.4%) as well as debt securities and equity (€1.3 billion or 39.8%). Pension funds assets per person employed made up €2.3 thousand.
For more information on financial accounts in the second quarter of 2018 see the Bank of Lithuania statistical release (146.6 KB download icon). Detailed data for Q2 is available on the Bank of Lithuania website (under Financial accounts statistics).