Bank of Lithuania

At the end of November 2003 broad money M2 made up LTL 16.8 billion.In the course of one month it increased by LTL 42.4 million, i.e. 0.3 per cent, while the year-on-year increase amounted to LTL 2.4 billion, i.e. 16.5 per cent.

Currency in circulation grew by LTL 99.4 million in November, while demand deposits in litas went up by LTL 171.0 million, of which deposits of local government institutions, non-financial public companies, non-financial private companies and natural persons increased by LTL 15.0 million, LTL 16.3 million, LTL 48.4 million and LTL 85.4 million, respectively. 

Time and savings deposits in litas increased by LTL 24.7 million, of which deposits of non-financial private companies contracted by LTL 34.2 million, and such deposits of natural persons increased by LTL 66.0 million.Deposits in foreign currencies decreased by LTL 252.8 million, of which deposits of non-financial public companies, non-financial private companies, natural persons and non-banking financial institutions went down by LTL 52.5 million, LTL 139.6 million, LTL 45.8 million and LTL 15.4 million, respectively.

Net foreign assets decreased in November by LTL 323.3 million, of which foreign assets went down by LTL 259.4 million, and foreign liabilities went up by LTL 63.9 million. 

Domestic credit increased by LTL 390.6 million, of which net claims on the central government and mandatory social and health insurance funds as well as claims on the private sector went up by LTL 183.3 million and LTL 241.7 million, respectively, while claims on non-banking financial institutions declined by LTL 39.8 million.

Banking Survey

(LTL million, end-of-period)
  10/2003 11/2003 Change
LTL million %
FOREIGN ASSETS (NET) 6,768.3 6,445.0 -323.3 -4.8
Foreign assets 11,618.4 11,359.1 -259.4 -2.2
Foreign liabilities 4,850.1 4,914.0 63.9 1.3
DOMESTIC CREDIT 11,721.4 12,112.0 390.6 3.3
Claims on central government and social security funds (net) -502.9 -319.6 183.3 36.4
Claims on local governments 362.3 369.2 6.8 1.9
Claims on nonfinancial public enterprises 160.7 159.2 -1.4 -0.9
Claims on private sector 10,223.4 10,465.2 241.7 2.4
Claims on nonbank financial institutions 1,477.9 1,438.1 -39.8 -2.7
MONEY 9,698.7 9,969.2 270.5 2.8
Currency in circulation 4,300.0 4,399.4 99.4 2.3
Demand deposits 5,398.7 5,569.7 171.0 3.2
QUASI-MONEY 7,104.9 6,876.8 -228.1 -3.2
Foreign currency deposits 3,780.3 3,527.5 -252.8 -6.7
Time and savings deposits 3,324.6 3,349.3 24.7 0.7
OTHER ITEMS (NET) 1,686.1 1,711.1 25.0 1.5



Banking Survey covers the Bank of Lithuania, deposit money banks, branches of foreign banks, credit unions as well as government accounts with IMF.