Bank of Lithuania
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In response to media and public enquiries, we would like to inform you that the supply of cash is constantly being maintained following a significant increase in demand for cash in some areas and in order to ensure access to cash. The Bank of Lithuania, credit institutions and cash-in-transit companies are ready to meet the current increased demand for cash.

The situation is being closely monitored, data is analysed, and cash-in-transit companies are working at increased capacity. Thus, if some ATMs are temporarily lacking banknotes in certain areas, ATMs will be refilled efficiently.

The Bank of Lithuania has sufficient euro cash reserves, the value of which is several times higher than the annual national net issue. In addition, we are part of a reliable and well-functioning Eurosystem, to which the European Central Bank and other euro area NCBs belong, therefore, if there is a need to replenish cash reserves, it is always possible to do so expeditiously.

Citizens are encouraged to remain calm and reasonable and trust only reliable sources of information.