14 October 2010 BALANCE SHEET OF THE BANK OF LITHUANIA, SEPTEMBER 2010A In September 2010, external assets of the Bank of Lithuania increased by LTL 747.2 million and external liabilities increased by LTL 141.1 million. Both indicators amounted respectively to LTL 16.9 billion and LTL 771.9 million at the end of the month. Currency in circulation went up by LTL 13.2 million to LTL 8.4 billion at the end of the month. During the month, resident deposits with the Bank of Lithuania increased by LTL 598.4 million to LTL 5.6 billion at the end of September. Central government deposits went up by LTL 734.3 million to LTL 3.0 billion at the end of the month, while deposits of other monetary financial institutions contracted by LTL 135.2 million to LTL 2.4 billion at the end of the month. Capital and reserves went up by LTL 21.3 million to LTL 1.9 billion at the end of September. Main Items of the Balance Sheet (outstanding amounts at the end of period) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 09 2007 12 2007 03 2008 06 2008 09 2008 12 2008 03 2009 06 2009 09 2009 12 2009 03 2010 06 2010 09 2010 LTL billion External assets Currency in circulationa Deposits of residents Footnote Changes in the balance sheet items of the Bank of Lithuania are disclosed as transactions, i.e. are calculated by taking the difference between end-month outstanding amounts and then removing the effects of revaluation adjustments, exchange rate adjustments as well as reclassifications and other adjustments. Statistics Department
2012-01-12 Balance Sheet of the Bank of Lithuania, September 2010 (15 KB download icon)