1. User account
To create and use your data sets, you need to log in to your account via the link “My data set” on the Statistics page of the Bank of Lithuania website. To log in, you need to enter your email address and password.
When signing up for the first time, you need to enter a login name (optional), your email address (required) and password (required). Your email address must be correct as it will be used to send you an activation email. It will contain a link, clicking which will activate your signup.
If you forget your password, use the link “Forgot your password?” on the login page. You will soon receive an email with a link that will take you to a page where you will be able to change your password. This must be completed within 24 hours or you will need to repeat the above steps again.
2. My data sets
When logged in to your account, you can view your data sets created previously or perform the following operations (see Fig. 1):
- create a new data set;
- edit a previously-created data set;
- create a new data set based on a previously-created data set (clone);
- delete a previously-created data set;
- conduct a search of previously-created data set by entering a keyword;
- set the number of entries (data sets) displayed on a page.
Fig. 1.

3. Creating a data set
Click “Create” in “My data sets” window (see Fig. 1). In the next window “New data set” (see Fig. 2) enter the name of the data set and confirm it by clicking “Save”.
Fig. 2.

A data set can be created (filled in) only using indicators included in statistics tables of Statistics page of the Bank of Lithuania website (statistics in brief, predefined tables and the database). You can add indicators to a data set in the following ways (see Fig. 3):
- by conducting a search by keyword or code;
- by selecting indicators from statistics tables;
- by creating your own indicator.
Fig. 3.

3.1. Indicator search by keyword or code
In the search field (see Fig. 4), enter the indicator code or a keyword and choose the relevant indicator from the list. Confirm your indicator selection by clicking “Save and view data set” in the next window.
Fig. 4.

3.2. Selecting an indicator from statistics tables
By clicking “Add indicator from table” (see Fig. 3) the user is taken to the statistics data area (see Fig. 5) where they select a table from which indicators are to be chosen.
Fig. 5.
Below is a description of how indicators can be selected from the data area “Predefined tables”. The selection of indicators from tables is identical in all categories of statistics.
After opening “Predefined tables” the user sees a list of statistics categories. After selecting a statistics category the user is taken to a list of tables. For example, one may choose ‘Payments statistics’ → “Cashless payments and over-the-counter (OTC) cash transactions at client service offices” → ‘Payment cards’ table (see Fig. 6).
Fig. 6.

Fig. 7.

Next to the indicator selected in the table click “Functions”’ and choose the basket icon (see Fig. 7).
In the next window (see Fig. 8) click “Add and continue selection” if you want to select more indicators in the respective table or “Save and view data set” if you have completed the selection.
Fig. 8.

3.3. Creating my indicator
Where the indicators available do not suffice and there is a need to combine them or to calculate derivative indicators, it is possible to create your own indicator.
By clicking “Create my indicator” (see Fig. 3) you will be taken to the next window (see Fig. 9) where you can enter the name of your indicator and click “Add”.
Fig. 9.

Clicking “Add” saves the name of the indicator in the data set and opens the indicator editing (calculation) window (see Fig. 10) where the new indicator is calculated.
By clicking “Add indicator from tables” (for more information see “Selecting an indicator from statistics tables”) or conducting an indicator search (for more information see “Indicator search by keyword or code”) select all indicators needed for calculating your indicator. The indicators selected are displayed in the table in the editing window.
Having selected all the indicators, choose a standard calculation formula, e.g. “Sum” or “Average”, in the field “Calculate new (derivative) indicator”. If the formula you need is not among the ones suggested, select “Add formula” and enter the formula you need, e.g. (A+B)/2, in the field “Calculation formula”.
Save your selection by clicking “Save and close”.
Fig. 10.

4. Editing a data set
To edit a data set, in “My data set” click “Edit” and you will be taken to the editing window (see Fig. 11) where you will be able:
- to modify the data set name;
- to share the data set you have created with other users;
- to add new indicators to the set;
- to remove an indicator from the data set;
- to edit indicators within the data set.
Fig. 11.

4.1. Data set settings
In data set settings (see Fig. 12) you will be able:
- to transpose the table, i.e. switch its columns and rows around;
- to freeze the first column of the table (the side header);
- to freeze the header row of the table (the top header);
- to change the number of digits after the decimal point or units of measurement;
- to set the data period;
- to change the data sorting direction;
- to change the number of periods displayed.
Fig. 12.

4.2. Chart settings
Choose the indicators to be displayed in the chart in the data set table by clicking “Functions” next to the relevant indicator and the chart icon (“Display chart”). In the chart settings (see Fig. 13) it is possible to modify the settings of the indicators selected:
- to choose the number of periods to be displayed in the chart;
- to choose or modify the type of the chart (line, bar or 3D charts);
- to remove an indicator from the chart.
To display the indicators selected and the modifications in the chart, click “Graphs”.
Fig. 13.

5. Editing an indicator
To edit an indicator, click “Functions” next to the indicator selected in the data set table and choose the editing icon. You will be taken to the editing window.
There are two different editing windows:
- for editing an (new) indicator created by the user (see Fig. 14);
- for editing an indicator selected from statistics tables (see Fig. 15).
5.1. Editing an (new) indicator created by the user
The table in the window for editing an (new) indicator created by the user (see Fig. 14) lists indicators included in the calculation and shows the calculation formula. When editing your own indicator, you can:
- change the indicator name;
- change data periodicity. Monthly data can be transformed into quarterly or yearly data while quarterly data can be made yearly data. If periodicity is modified, the indicator values are calculated automatically based on the indicator collection attribute (outstanding amounts at the end of the period, total amounts per period, average percentage);
- change the number of digits after the decimal point;
- change units of measurement;
- change the calculation formula. To use a standard calculation formula, choose “Sum” or “Average” in the field “Calculate new (derivative) indicator”. To use a different formula, choose “Add formula” in the said field and enter your formula in the field “Calculation formula” using indicator abbreviations and standard arithmetic functions, e.g. (A+B)/2;
- remove or add new indicators from/to calculations of a new indicator.
After introducing the changes click “Save and close”.
Fig. 14.

5.2. Editing an indicator selected from statistics tables
No calculations are performed in this editing window (see Fig. 15). Here you can:
- change the indicator name;
- change data periodicity. Monthly data can be transformed into quarterly or yearly data while quarterly data can be made yearly data. If periodicity is modified, the indicator values are calculated automatically based on the indicator collection attribute (outstanding amounts at the end of the period, total amounts per period, average percentage);
- change the number of digits after the decimal point;
- change units of measurement.
After introducing the changes click “Save and close”.
Fig. 15.

6. Descriptions of action buttons (icons)