Bank of Lithuania

Loans granted by other Lithuanian MFIs to euro area (excl. Lithuania) non-financial corporations and households by original maturity.

Outstanding amounts at the end of the period and transactions during the period – in EUR millions.

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Data type

Measurement units: Euro (millions)

sorting sorting Non-financial corporations and households (S.11+S.14+S.15) sorting Non-financial corporations (S.11) sorting Households (S.14+S.15)
sorting Total sorting Up to 1 year sorting Over 1 and up to 5 years sorting Over 5 years sorting Total sorting Up to 1 year sorting Over 1 and up to 5 years sorting Over 5 years sorting Total sorting Up to 1 year sorting Over 1 and up to 5 years sorting Over 5 years
sorting 1=5+9=2+3+4 sorting 2=6+10 sorting 3=7+11 sorting 4=8+12 sorting 5=6+7+8 sorting 6 sorting 7 sorting 8 sorting 9=10+11+12 sorting 10 sorting 11 sorting 12
12/2023 439.7 57.8 255.0 126.9 108.3 18.9 49.1 40.3 331.5 38.9 206.0 86.6
01/2024 447.7 55.5 263.0 129.2 103.1 15.6 48.8 38.7 344.6 40.0 214.2 90.5
02/2024 457.6 55.6 268.6 133.4 101.3 14.6 48.7 38.0 356.2 41.1 219.9 95.3
03/2024 498.3 89.2 273.1 135.9 134.6 49.0 49.1 36.5 363.7 40.2 224.0 99.4
04/2024 524.7 98.1 281.5 145.1 141.1 55.1 48.4 37.5 383.6 42.9 233.0 107.6
05/2024 563.3 103.4 295.5 164.5 151.6 56.5 47.7 47.5 411.7 46.9 247.8 117.0
06/2024 640.9 111.0 305.7 224.2 203.8 60.5 46.7 96.6 437.1 50.5 259.1 127.6
07/2024 655.7 103.0 318.0 234.7 202.8 60.2 45.9 96.6 452.9 42.7 272.1 138.1
08/2024 682.0 104.3 331.8 246.0 201.8 58.8 46.3 96.6 480.3 45.4 285.4 149.4
09/2024 682.3 70.5 353.3 258.5 163.5 20.8 47.0 95.8 518.8 49.7 306.3 162.8
10/2024 728.5 83.2 375.7 269.7 162.7 20.1 46.9 95.7 565.8 63.1 328.8 174.0
11/2024 773.4 88.1 406.1 279.3 175.0 22.0 57.5 95.6 598.4 66.1 348.6 183.7
12/2024 820.8 106.3 426.2 288.2 185.8 33.8 57.3 94.7 634.9 72.5 368.9 193.6
Last update: 18-04-2017