Bank of Lithuania

Data on the liabilities of Lithuanian financial corporations engaged in lending by financial instrument.

Outstanding amounts at the end of the period – in EUR millions.

To see charts, please add indicators from table

Measurement units: Euro (millions)

sorting sorting Q2/2022 sorting Q3/2022 sorting Q4/2022 sorting Q1/2023 sorting Q2/2023 sorting Q3/2023 sorting Q4/2023 sorting Q1/2024 sorting Q2/2024
LIABILITIES 3,043.0 2,881.7 2,903.4 2,961.3 3,021.7 3,078.8 2,986.3 3,046.8 3,182.1
Deposits and loans taken 2,310.5 2,488.5 2,520.0 2,584.1 2,639.8 2,703.6 2,610.6 2,655.7 2,821.3
Debt securities issued - - - - - - - - -
Capital and reserves (including shares and other equity issued by FCLs) 314.7 326.6 321.4 309.9 310.4 313.9 317.1 282.9 288.8
Remaining liabilities (including financial derivatives) 417.7 66.6 62.1 67.3 71.6 61.3 58.6 108.2 71.9
Last update: 11-02-2019