Requirements for a workplace
- Windows (7 or higher) operating system;
- Windows operating system component Microsoft .NETframework v 4.5;
- Internet connection;
- Internet Explorer browser;
- LB-LITAS-ROOT-CA, LB-LITAS-CA certificates;
- LB ActiveX component Xsign (Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\XSign.Sign must contain the following defaultPkiDomain values: or depending on which address is used in the configuration file).
For Certificate and XSign component issues
Software installation
- Download the software for the compilation and transmission of reports;
- Extract the downloaded file;
- Open the extracted file and copy the required configuration file from:
- the catalogues ‘config’ ‘real’ ‘tarpbank’, if providing data to the production area and the workplace is connected to the interbank network
- the catalogues ‘config’ ‘real’ ‘www’, if providing data to the production area and the workstation is not connected to the interbank network, i.e. public networks will be used
- the catalogues ‘config’ ‘test’ ‘tarpbank’, if providing data to the testing area and the workplace is connected to the interbank network
- the catalogues ‘config’ ‘test’ ‘www’, if providing data to the testing area and the workplace is not connected to the interbank network, i.e. public networks will be used
- Paste the copied configuration file to the downloaded and extracted catalogue next to the execution file (with the extension .exe);
- Run the file to work with the program (with the extension .exe).
Additional information
- XBRL specification
- XBRL software tools
BPA data entry application
Software dedicated to reporting in XBRL format. The following reports may be submitted:
- A18: Report on Profit Distribution,
- A36: Report on Mortgage Credits and Other Additional Assets,
- A39: Interest Rate Gap Calculation Report,
- A46: Failing (Bankrupt) Bank Report,
- X37: Statement of Cash Flows.
Software for production (updated on 09/10/2020) (3.5 MB download icon)
CRD data entry application
Software dedicated to reporting in XBRL format. The following reports may be submitted:
- X02, K02: FINREP,
- X03, K03: Asset encumberance,
- X04, K04: Additional liquidity monitoring metrics,
- X05, K05: Funding plans,
- X06, K06: Benchmarking,
- X12, K12: COREP (Own funds),
- X13, K13: COREP (Large exposure),
- X14, K14: COREP (Stable funding),
- X15, K15: COREP (Liquidity coverage),
- X16, K16: COREP (Leverage ratio),
- X17, K17: COVID 19 Moratoria,
- K18: Remuneration Benchmarking,
- X19, K19: COREP (Specific reporting requirements for market risk),
- X20: IF Class2,
- X21: IF Class3.
Reports with codes starting with an X are intended for individual information.
Reports with codes starting with a K are intended for consolidated information.
Software for production (updated on 02/08/2021) (451.7 KB download icon)
Additional information:
- EBA information
- XBRL Sender scheme (9.4 KB download icon), sender_lauku_aprasymas.xsd
PFI data entry application
Software dedicated to reporting in XML format. The following reports may be submitted:
- E01: Balance Sheet Full Statistical Reporting Form PFI-01 (inventories),
- E03: Balance Sheet Full Statistical Reporting Form PFI-01 (revaluation adjustments),
- E04: Balance Sheet Full Statistical Reporting Form PFI-01 (reclassification and other adjustments),
- E05: Amounts of New Loans and Deposits and Their Interest Rates,
- E06: Interest Rates on Outstanding Loans and Deposits,
- E09: Payments Statistical Report (0607),
- E10: Balance Sheet Full Statistical Report PFI-01 (securitised or otherwise transferred loans),
- E11: Macroprudential Reports (MPA-01),
- E12: Securitisation Form of the Company's Statistical Balance Sheet Report PVP-01,
- E15: MFI Interest Rates Statistical Reporting Form PFĮ-02 (Part I),
- E16: MFI Interest Rates Statistical Reporting Form PFĮ-02 (Part II),
- E17: MFI Balance Sheet Reduced Statistical Reporting Form PFĮ-03,
- S71: Report for the Compilation of the Balance of Payments (B-09-02),
- S72: Report for the Compilation of the Balance of Payments (B-09-01),
- B62: Calculation of Minimum Reserves Requirements for Banks,
- B66: Calculated Minimum Reserves (from PFĮ-03).
Software for production (updated on 09/02/2021) (95.7 KB download icon)
SA data entry application
Software dedicated to reporting in XBRL format. The following reports may be submitted:
- S55: Foreign Exchange Market Statistical Report (F0603),
- S57: Interbank Lending and Borrowing Statistical Report (F0601),
- S70: Income from Abroad and Transfers to Abroad Report (B-09-03).
Software for production (updated on 09/10/2020) (2.5 MB download icon)
KU data entry application
Software dedicated to reporting in XBRL format. The following reports may be submitted:
- A06: Foreign Currency Position Report,
- A12: Off-Balance-Sheet Items,
- A13: Balance Sheet Statement,
- A18: Report on Capital Adequacy Ratio of Credit Unions,
- A19: Profit (Loss) Statement,
- A20: Report on Changes in the Value of Loans,
- A23: Other Additional Information,
- A25: Additional Information on a Credit Union,
- A26: Maximum Exposure to a Single Borrower and Large Exposures Report,
- A27: Failing (Bankrupt) Credit Union's Report,
- A28: Liquidity Ratio Report.
Software for production (updated on 05/01/2021) (3 MB download icon)