Bank of Lithuania


The obverse of the coin features a knitting which represents the main motif of the fairy tale, an inscription “Lietuva” (Lithuania) and a symbolic silhouette of the Vytis. The composition is surrounded by small stars and the moon as an allusion to a cosy evening when fairy tales are told. The right side contains the denomination of the coin €1.50 and 2022, the year of issue.


The reverse of the coin depicts Zuikis Puikis, the main hero of the fairy tale written by the poet Eduardas Mieželaitis, having fun on his way to school and skittering on a path which finally leads to the number 2. The impression is enhanced by his friends, forest animals, which are telling the story of this fairy tale. The right side features the name of the fairy tale “Zuikis Puikis”, while the composition also has a gaming element: hidden alphabet letters that need to be found.
EUR 1,50 coin dedicated to the fairy tale Zuikis Puikis (from the series ,,Tales from My Childhood'')
EUR 1,50 coin dedicated to the fairy tale Zuikis Puikis (from the series ,,Tales from My Childhood'')
Denomination: €1.50
Composition: copper and nickel alloy
Diameter: 27.50 mm
Weight: 11.10 g
Quality: BU, UNC
Coin type: collector

Designed by Eglė Žemaitė

Edge of the coin: rimmed
Pre-order from 03/08/2022
Release date: 10/08/2022
Mintage: 30,000 pcs
Price: EUR 2.00 (inclusive of VAT)
Series: Tales from My Childhood
Minted at the Lithuanian Mint

Coin description

The fairy tale Zuikis Puikis is written by Eduardas Mieželaitis


Last update: 20-10-2022