Designed by Rūta Ničajienė
Coin description
The shape of the coin is a circle formed by a spiral-wound strip with a hole in the middle
Diameter of a defined symmetrical figure: 38.61 mm
The coin is minted from a 995 mm long strip (it symbolises the length of the universal measure, the meter or Metro Cattolico, based on Burattini’s work Misura Universale)
Coin “Metro Cattolico – 350”: Italian Tito Livio Burattini (1617-1682), who ruled the Mints of the Commonwealth of the Two Nations and is known for the minting of fine coins known as the boratynka, proposed to associate the measure of length with time. For the first time ever, the term “metre” or metro cattolico, was used in his book Misura Universale, issued in 1675 in Vilnius: Burattini took a Greek word metron (measure) and made up the word metro (metre).