| 2014 Q3 | 2014 Q4 |
Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits | 9,137,304 | 15,679,681 |
Cash on hand | 1,305,306 | 1,520,731 |
Cash balances at central banks | 5,498,014 | 12,428,840 |
Other demand deposits | 2,333,984 | 1,730,110 |
Financial assets held for trading | 2,129,127 | 2,214,621 |
Derivatives | 727,651 | 941,661 |
Equity instruments | 835 | 817 |
Debt securities | 1,393,133 | 1,265,577 |
Loans and advances | 7,508 | 6,566 |
Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss | 3,096,434 | 2,908,564 |
Equity instruments | 1,527 | 1,152 |
Debt securities | 3,094,907 | 2,907,412 |
Loans and advances | - | - |
Available-for-sale financial assets | 495,675 | 562,602 |
Equity instruments | 2,847 | 2,844 |
Debt securities | 492,828 | 559,758 |
Loans and advances | - | - |
Loans and receivables | 60,909,662 | 57,983,933 |
Debt securities | 200,058 | 201,256 |
Loans and advances | 60,709,604 | 57,782,677 |
Held-to-maturity investments | 2,276,354 | 2,237,854 |
Debt securities | 2,276,354 | 2,237,854 |
Loans and advances | - | - |
Derivatives – Hedge accounting | - | - |
Fair value changes of the hedged items in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk | - | - |
Investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates | 125,246 | 154,660 |
Tangible assets | 754,387 | 783,623 |
Property, Plant and Equipment | 433,519 | 418,068 |
Investment property | 320,868 | 365,555 |
Intangible assets | 61,320 | 64,590 |
Goodwill | 1 | 49 |
Other intangible assets | 61,319 | 64,541 |
Tax assets | 223,788 | 212,185 |
Current tax assets | 1,392 | 959 |
Deferred tax assets | 222,997 | 211,226 |
Other assets | 350,979 | 377,975 |
Non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale | 228,323 | 134,115 |
TOTAL ASSETS | 79,788,600 | 83,314,407 |
Financial liabilities held for trading | 659,962 | 882,217 |
Derivatives | 659,962 | 882,217 |
Short positions | - | - |
Deposits | - | - |
Debt securities issued | - | - |
Other financial liabilities | - | - |
Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss | 75,106 | 73,972 |
Deposits | 67,803 | 66,623 |
Debt securities issued | 7,303 | 7,349 |
Other financial liabilities | - | - |
Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost | 69,986,419 | 73,100,701 |
Deposits | 68,667,230 | 72,080,538 |
Debt securities issued | 322,822 | 186,473 |
Other financial liabilities | 996,367 | 833,690 |
Derivatives – Hedge accounting | 21,476 | 21,623 |
Fair value changes of the hedged items in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk | - | - |
Provisions | 23,843 | 43,431 |
Pensions and other post employment defined benefit obligations | - | - |
Other long term employee benefits | 333 | 270 |
Restructuring | 2,834 | 3,995 |
Pending legal issues and tax litigation | 6,201 | 19,081 |
Commitments and guarantees given | 11,118 | 18,805 |
Other provisions | 3,356 | 1,279 |
Tax liabilities | 57,419 | 79,428 |
Current tax liabilities | 56,073 | 78,457 |
Deferred tax liabilities | 1,346 | 971 |
Share capital repayable on demand | - | - |
Other liabilities | 474,850 | 494,089 |
Liabilities included in disposal groups classified as held for sale | - | - |
TOTAL LIABILITIES | 71,299,075 | 74,695,461 |
Capital | 3,857,063 | 3,857,063 |
Paid up capital | 3,857,063 | 3,857,063 |
Unpaid capital which has been called up | - | - |
Share premium | 387,613 | 387,613 |
Equity instruments issued other than capital | - | - |
Equity component of compound financial instruments | - | - |
Other equity instruments issued | - | - |
Other equity | 33,022 | 36,306 |
Accumulated other comprehensive income | 7,735 | 7,848 |
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss | 2,355 | 2,353 |
Tangible assets | 2,355 | 2,353 |
Intangible assets | - | - |
Actuarial gains or (-) losses on defined benefit pension plans | - | - |
Non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale | - | - |
Share of other recognised income and expense of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates | - | - |
Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss | 5,380 | 5,495 |
Hedge of net investments in foreign operations [effective portion] | - | - |
Foreign currency translation | - | - |
Hedging derivatives. Cash flow hedges [effective portion] | - | - |
Available-for-sale financial assets | 5,380 | 5,495 |
Non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale | - | - |
Share of other recognised income and expense of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates | - | - |
Retained earnings | 2,634,625 | 2,607,849 |
Revaluation reserves | 8,819 | 8,398 |
Other reserves | 976,652 | 977,057 |
Reserves or accumulated losses of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates | - | - |
Other | 976,652 | 977,057 |
(-) Treasury shares | - | - |
Profit or loss attributable to owners of the parent | 583,996 | 736,813 |
(-) Interim dividends | - | - |
Minority interests [Non-controlling interests] | - | - |
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income | - | - |
Other items | - | - |
TOTAL EQUITY | 8,489,525 | 8,618,946 |
TOTAL EQUITY AND TOTAL LIABILITIES | 79,788,600 | 83,314,407 |