Interest rates on new loans, excluding overdrafts, and deposits reflect the weighted average interest rate level in respect of new agreements made during the month. New agreements include all financial contracts, terms and conditions that specify for the first time the interest rate of the loan or deposit; all new negotiations of existing loans and deposits. Prolongations of existing deposit and loan contracts that are carried out automatically, i.e. without any active involvement of the household or non-financial corporation, and do not involve any renegotiation of the terms and conditions of the contract, are not considered a new agreement. This also concerns pre-scheduled interest rate changes.
Banks data.
1Excluding overdrafts.
2 Including non-profit institutions serving households.
3A prederteminet period of time at the start of a contract during which the value of the interest rate cannot change. For example, a 5 - year loan with floating interest rate, revised every 6 months, is clasified under the term "Up to 1 year".
4Annualised agreed rate.
5Annual percentage rate of charge comprise an interest component and a componenet of other charges.