2.4. Monetary Statistics
2.4.1. Monetary Aggregates1 and Counterparts (Monetary Survey)
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Collapse M3<sup>2</sup>M32
Total (1=2+5)
Collapse M2<sup>3</sup>M23
Total (2=3+4)
M14 (3)
M2-M15 (4)
M3-M2 (5)
Deposits of central government (6)
Longer-term financial liabilities (7)
Other items (net)6 (8=9+10-1-6-7)
Net external assets (9)
Domestic credit7 (10)
Memo: monetary liabilities of central government (11)

Chart Type:   Point Labels:   Height:   Width:  
Outstanding amounts at the end of period, LTL million
1 Monetary liabilities of MFIs and central government vis-a-vis resident non-MFIs excluding central government.
2 M2 and marketable instruments: repurchase agreements, MMF shares/units and debt securities issued up to 2 years.
3 M1 and other short-term deposits in litas and foreign currencies: deposits with agreed maturity up to 2 years and deposits redeemable at notice up to 3 months.
4 Currency in circulation and overnight deposits in litas and foreign currencies.
5 Including the monetary liabilities of central government: saving notes.
6 Including the counterpart of monetary liabilities of central government.
7 Domestic credit comprises MFI loans to resident non-MFIs and MFI holdings of securities issued by resident non-MFIs.