Bank of Lithuania
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ALTE LEIPZIGER Versicherung AG Insurer Insurance undertakings of other EU Member States providing services in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
Alterra Europe Plc Insurer Insurance undertakings of other EU Member States providing services in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
Altraplan Luxembourg S.A. Insurer Insurance undertakings of other EU Member States providing services in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
American Steamship Owners Marine Insurance Company (Europe) Limited Insurer Insurance undertakings of other EU Member States providing services in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
Amlin Corporate Insurance N.V. Insurer Insurance undertakings of other EU Member States providing services in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
AMSLICO poist’ovna - Alico a.s. Insurer Insurance undertakings of other EU Member States providing services in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
Amtrust International Underwriters DAC Insurer Insurance undertakings of other EU Member States providing services in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 3 0
ANCORA CONSULTORES DE RIESGOS, S.L. Insurance intermediary Insurance intermediaries of other EEA countries without a branch in the Republic of Lithuania, Reinsurance intermediaries of other EEA countries providing services in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
Anker Verzekeringen W.A. Insurer Insurance undertakings of other EU Member States providing services in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
UADBB "Aon Baltic" Insurance intermediary Insurance brokerage firms 2 0
UADBB "APSIDRAUSKIME" Insurance intermediary Insurance brokerage firms 0 0
ARB Europe Limited Insurance intermediary Insurance intermediaries of other EEA countries without a branch in the Republic of Lithuania 0 0
Arbol Europe GmbH Insurance intermediary Insurance intermediaries of other EEA countries without a branch in the Republic of Lithuania 0 0
Spanish Branch of Arch Insurance (EU) DAC Insurer Insurance undertakings of other EU Member States providing services in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
Arch Insurance (EU) Designated Activity Company Insurer Insurance undertakings of other EU Member States providing services in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
ArgoGlobal SE Insurer Insurance undertakings of other EU Member States providing services in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
Argoglobal SE Insurer Insurance undertakings of other EU Member States providing services in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
ARISCOM Compagnia di Assicurazioni S.p.A. Insurer Insurance undertakings of other EU Member States providing services in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
UADBB „Arlina“ Insurance intermediary Insurance brokerage firms 0 0
UADBB "ARX CORPORIS" Insurance intermediary Insurance brokerage firms 0 0
Asito Kapital S.A. Insurer Insurance undertakings of other EU Member States providing services in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
ASSICURAZIONI GENERALI S.P.A. Insurer Insurance undertakings of other EU Member States providing services in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
ASSURANCES DAUPHIN Insurance intermediary Insurance intermediaries of other EEA countries without a branch in the Republic of Lithuania 0 0
Assurances Generales De France I.A.R.T. Insurer Insurance undertakings of other EU Member States providing services in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
Assuranseforening Skuld - Gjensidig Insurer Insurance undertakings of other EU Member States providing services in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
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