Bank of Lithuania
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Nova Ljubljanska banka d.d., Ljubljana Bank, Consumer credit provider EU banks operating in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
N26 Bank AG Bank, Consumer credit provider EU banks operating in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
ODDO BHF SE Bank, Consumer credit provider EU banks operating in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
Pagėgių kredito unija Credit union, Consumer credit provider Credit unions 0 0
PayEx Sverige AB Bank, Real-estate related credit provider, Consumer credit provider EU banks operating in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
PayRay Bank, UAB Bank, Consumer credit provider Banks authorised in the Republic of Lithuania 0 1
"Paysera LT", UAB Electronic money institution, Currency exchange operator, Peer-to-peer lending platform operator, Consumer credit provider Consumer credit providers, Peer-to-peer lending platforms, Electronic money institution, holding a licence issued in Lithuania for non-limited activity, Currency exchange operators 14 5
Pakruojo kredito unija Credit union, Consumer credit provider Credit unions 0 1
Palangos kredito unija Credit union, Consumer credit provider Credit unions 0 2
Panevėžio kredito unija Credit union, Consumer credit provider Credit unions 0 2
Pareigūnų kredito unija Credit union, Consumer credit provider Credit unions 0 0
Pasvalio kredito unija Credit union, Consumer credit provider Credit unions 0 0
Plungės kredito unija Credit union, Consumer credit provider Credit unions 0 0
Quintet Private Bank (Europe) S.A. Bank, Consumer credit provider EU banks operating in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
Radviliškio kredito unija (Under reorganisation) Credit union, Consumer credit provider Credit unions 0 1
Raiffeisenlandesbank Niederösterreich-Wien AG Bank, Real-estate related credit provider, Consumer credit provider EU banks operating in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
Raisin Bank AG Bank, Consumer credit provider EU banks operating in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
Raseinių kredito unija Credit union, Consumer credit provider Credit unions 0 0
RATO kredito unija Credit union, Consumer credit provider Credit unions, Issuers whose securities are admitted to trading on multilateral trading facilities 0 2
RCI BANQUE Bank, Consumer credit provider EU banks operating in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
REGO.LT, UAB Real-estate related credit provider, Consumer credit provider Consumer credit providers, Lenders operating in accordance with the Republic of Lithuania Law on Real Estate Related Credit 0 0
Revolut Bank UAB Bank, Currency exchange operator, Real-estate related credit provider, Consumer credit provider Consumer credit providers, Currency exchange operators, Banks authorised in the Republic of Lithuania, Lenders operating in accordance with the Republic of Lithuania Law on Real Estate Related Credit 285 3
Saldo Bank UAB Bank, Consumer credit provider Specialised bank 0 0
AB SEB bankas Bank, Consumer credit provider Banks authorised in the Republic of Lithuania 100 2
SEB Kort Bank AB Bank, Consumer credit provider EU banks operating in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
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