Bank of Lithuania
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Fellow Bank Abp Bank, Consumer credit provider EU banks operating in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
Finora Bank UAB Bank, Real-estate related credit provider, Consumer credit provider Specialised bank 0 0
AB „Fjord Bank“ Bank, Consumer credit provider Specialised bank 0 0
Fresh Finance UAB Consumer credit provider Consumer credit providers 0 0
Glitnir Bank Ltd Bank, Consumer credit provider EU banks operating in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch, Financial brokerage firms of EU Member States providing services in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
Goldman Sachs Bank Europe SE Bank, Consumer credit provider EU banks operating in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
Grinkiškio kredito unija Credit union, Consumer credit provider Credit unions 0 0
Hamburg Commercial Bank AG Bank, Consumer credit provider EU banks operating in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
HYPO-BANK BURGENLAND Aktiengesellschaft Bank, Consumer credit provider EU banks operating in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
HSBC Continental Europe Bank, Consumer credit provider Insurance intermediaries of other EEA countries without a branch in the Republic of Lithuania, EU banks operating in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
HSBC FACTORING (France) Bank, Real-estate related credit provider, Consumer credit provider Financial undertakings controlled by foreign banks 0 0
Ignalinos kredito unija Credit union, Consumer credit provider Credit unions 0 0
IĮ "Aujama-credit" Consumer credit provider Consumer credit providers 0 2
ING Commercial Finance Belux NV Bank, Consumer credit provider Financial undertakings controlled by foreign banks 0 0
Intermarket Bank AG Bank, Consumer credit provider EU banks operating in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
International Card Services B.V. Bank, Consumer credit provider EU banks operating in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. Bank, Payment institution, Electronic money institution, Consumer credit provider EU banks operating in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch, Payment institutions of EU Member States providing services in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch, Electronic money institutions of EU Member States providing services in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
INTESA SANPAOLO BANK IRELAND PLC Bank, Real-estate related credit provider, Consumer credit provider EU banks operating in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
Intesa Sanpaolo Wealth Management Bank, Consumer credit provider EU banks operating in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
IPF Digital Lietuva, UAB Consumer credit provider Consumer credit providers 0 11
Itaú BBA Europe, S.A. Bank, Real-estate related credit provider, Consumer credit provider EU banks operating in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
Jungtinė centrinė kredito unija Central Credit Union, Consumer credit provider Central Credit Union 0 2
Jonavos kredito unija Credit union, Consumer credit provider Credit unions 0 0
Joniškio kredito unija Credit union, Consumer credit provider Credit unions 0 0
J.P. Morgan SE Bank, Consumer credit provider EU banks operating in the Republic of Lithuania without a branch 0 0
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