Bank of Lithuania
list grid

Credit and payments market (top searches)

Title Type Business form Disputes with consumers Sanctions
Revolut Bank UAB Bank, Currency exchange operator, Real-estate related credit provider, Consumer credit provider Consumer credit providers, Currency exchange operators, Banks authorised in the Republic of Lithuania, Lenders operating in accordance with the Republic of Lithuania Law on Real Estate Related Credit 303 3
"Swedbank", AB Bank, Consumer credit provider Banks authorised in the Republic of Lithuania 96 2
UAB ZEN.COM Electronic money institution, Currency exchange operator Electronic money institution, holding a licence issued in Lithuania for non-limited activity, Currency exchange operators 7 2
AB SEB bankas Bank, Consumer credit provider Banks authorised in the Republic of Lithuania 102 2
"Paysera LT", UAB Electronic money institution, Currency exchange operator, Peer-to-peer lending platform operator, Consumer credit provider Consumer credit providers, Peer-to-peer lending platforms, Electronic money institution, holding a licence issued in Lithuania for non-limited activity, Currency exchange operators 14 5
Luminor Bank AS Lietuvos skyrius Bank, Consumer credit provider Branches of EU/EEA authorised banks established in the Republic of Lithuania 63 2
Akcinė bendrovė Šiaulių bankas Bank, Consumer credit provider Issuers whose securities are admitted to trading on regulated markets (Main List of AB Nasdaq Vilnius), Issuers whose securities are admitted to trading on regulated markets (Bond List of AB Nasdaq Vilnius), Banks authorised in the Republic of Lithuania 21 2
UAB “Nuvei” Electronic money institution, Currency exchange operator Electronic money institution, holding a licence issued in Lithuania for non-limited activity, Currency exchange operators 0 1
UAB "Finansinės paslaugos "Contis" Electronic money institution, Currency exchange operator Electronic money institution, holding a licence issued in Lithuania for non-limited activity, Currency exchange operators 0 2
UAB "PAYTEND EUROPE" Electronic money institution, Currency exchange operator Electronic money institution, holding a licence issued in Lithuania for non-limited activity 0 1
