Bank of Lithuania
list grid

Credit and payments market (top searches)

Title Type Business form Disputes with consumers Sanctions
Revolut Bank UAB Bank, Currency exchange operator, Real-estate related credit provider, Consumer credit provider Consumer credit providers, Currency exchange operators 302 3
"Swedbank", AB Bank, Consumer credit provider 96 2
UAB ZEN.COM Electronic money institution, Currency exchange operator Electronic money institution, holding a licence issued in Lithuania for non-limited activity, Currency exchange operators 7 2
AB SEB bankas Bank, Consumer credit provider 102 2
"Paysera LT", UAB Electronic money institution, Currency exchange operator, Peer-to-peer lending platform operator, Consumer credit provider Consumer credit providers, Peer-to-peer lending platforms, Electronic money institution, holding a licence issued in Lithuania for non-limited activity, Currency exchange operators 14 5
Luminor Bank AS Lietuvos skyrius Bank, Consumer credit provider 63 2
Akcinė bendrovė Šiaulių bankas Bank, Consumer credit provider 21 2
UAB “Nuvei” Electronic money institution, Currency exchange operator Electronic money institution, holding a licence issued in Lithuania for non-limited activity, Currency exchange operators 0 1
UAB "Finansinės paslaugos "Contis" Electronic money institution, Currency exchange operator Electronic money institution, holding a licence issued in Lithuania for non-limited activity, Currency exchange operators 0 2
UAB "PAYTEND EUROPE" Electronic money institution, Currency exchange operator Electronic money institution, holding a licence issued in Lithuania for non-limited activity 0 1
